
Tom Paine's Bones

Graham Moore
Langue: anglais

Graham Moore

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Parole e musica di Graham Moore
La canzone che dà il titolo al suo album del 1995
Interpretata anche da Dick Gaughan nel suo album “Outlaws & Dreamers” del 2001
I The Young'uns l'hanno reinterpretata nel loro album Another Man's Ground (2015).

Tom Paine's Bones
Outlaws & Dreamers

Thomas Paine (1737-1809) è considerato uno dei Padri Fondatori degli Stati Uniti d’America.

Thomas Paine

Quacchero, radicale, non conformista, rivoluzionario tanto in America quanto in Francia (dove fu arrestato durante il Terrore e rischiò il collo), autore di opere come “The Age of Reason” (1790, dove difendeva la religiosità, insita nell’uomo, dalla religione consolidata, dal potere ecclesiastico) e “Rights of Man” (1791, in difesa della Rivoluzione francese e dell’egualitarismo), Thomas Paine combattè tutta la vita e morì in povertà e quasi dimenticato. Soltanto sei persone attesero al suo funerale, due di esse erano schiavi neri da lui liberati. I suoi resti vennero in seguito esumati per essere trasportati e sepolti nel natale Norfolk ma andarono dispersi.
As I dreamed out one evening
By a river of discontent
I bumped straight into old Tom Paine
As running down the road he went
He said, "I can't stop right now, child,
King George is after me
He'd have a rope around my throat
And hang me on the Liberty Tree"

But I will dance to Tom Paine's bones
Dance to Tom Paine's bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine's bones
I will dance to Tom Paine's bones
Dance to Tom Paine's bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine's bones

"I only talked about freedom
And justice for everyone
But since the very first word I spoke
I've been looking down the barrel of a gun
They say I preached revolution
Let me say in my defence
That all I did wherever I went
Was to talk a lot of common sense"

Old Tom Paine he ran so fast
He left me standing still
And there I was, a piece of paper in my hand
Standing at the top of the hill
It said, "This is the Age Of Reason
These are The Rights Of Man
Kick off religion and monarchy"
It was written there in Tom Paine's plan

Old Tom Paine, there he lies
Nobody laughs and nobody cries
Where he's gone or how he fares
Nobody knows and nobody cares

But I will dance to Tom Paine's bones
Dance to Tom Paine's bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine's bones
I will dance to Tom Paine's bones
Dance to Tom Paine's bones
Dance in the oldest boots I own
To the rhythm of Tom Paine's bones

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 29/4/2015 - 09:42

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