
I Want to Free Miss Liberty

T-Bone Slim [Matti Valentin Huhta]
Langue: anglais

Liste des versions

Peut vous intéresser aussi...

Mysteries of a Hobo's Life (the Job I Left Behind Me)‎
(Cisco Houston)
Waiting for the Snow
(Karan Casey)
Big Question
(T-Bone Slim [Matti Valentin Huhta])

Parole di Matti Valentinpoika Huhta (1880-1942), figlio di immigrati finlandesi, nato ad Ashtabula, Ohio, e morto a New York. Con il nome d’arte di T-Bone Slim fu scrittore, cantautore, hobo, attivista sindacale, militante dell’Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).
La musica viene accreditata a tali Bert Kalmar, Harry ed Herman Ruby, ma potrebbe invece trattarsi della melodia dell’ottocentesca “The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee” (verificherò all’ascolto quanto prima)
Il testo – che ho trovato su Political Folk Music Dot Org - è contenuto in qualche edizione del “Little Red Songbook”, il libretto di canti dell’IWW.

Edizione in scandinavo del “Little Red Songbook”, anni 20

Credo che questa prima canzone attribuita al finlandese T-Bone Slim possa fare piacere al nostro collaboratore Juha Rämö, che saluto.
In realtà già un’altra sua canzone è presente sul sito, Mysteries of a Hobo's Life (the Job I Left Behind Me)‎, ma fu attribuita a Cisco Houston.

The Iron Heel

Nel lungo refrain del brano l’autore voleva forse fare riferimento a “The Iron Heel” (“Il tallone di ferro”), romanzo fantapolitico distopico scritto da Jack London nel 1907, in cui l’autore immagina l’ascesa di un’oligarchia dittatoriale negli USA.
While the moon was softly shining,
On my cot as I lay pining,
Thinking of the day long passed away,
Came a drowsy feeling o’er me,
And Joe Hill stood there before me,
I seemed to hear this joyous fighter say:

I came to free Miss Liberty from the bonds of slavery,
From mock Democracy, from inequality;
I want to feel no Iron Heel shall disgrace our peaceful shore,
That all the world may do away with war;
I love to dream the old, old dream that tomorrow I will find
Folk of a kindred mind who love their fellow kind;
I long to make this plea; say not that it cannot be;
I want to see the whole world free from the chains of slavery.

Let us then be up and doing;
Greater times and things are brewing;
Oh, organize the One Big Union way.
“Workers of the World, awaken;
All the wealth you make is taken;
Break your chains,” I hear the spirit say.

I came to free Miss Liberty from the bonds of slavery,
From mock Democracy, from inequality;
I want to feel no Iron Heel shall disgrace our peaceful shore,
That all the world may do away with war;
I love to dream the old, old dream that tomorrow I will find
Folk of a kindred mind who love their fellow kind;
I long to make this plea; say not that it cannot be;
I want to see the whole world free from the chains of slavery.

Tighter are the class lines drawing;
Hunger at our vitals gnawing.
My reason sways, And I long to pray.
Rises then again before us
Specters of a Martyred Chorus;
I seem to hear these sterling fighters say:

I came to free Miss Liberty from the bonds of slavery,
From mock Democracy, from inequality;
I want to feel no Iron Heel shall disgrace our peaceful shore,
That all the world may do away with war;
I love to dream the old, old dream that tomorrow I will find
Folk of a kindred mind who love their fellow kind;
I long to make this plea; say not that it cannot be;
I want to see the whole world free from the chains of slavery.

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 17/4/2015 - 11:34

Oh yes, Bernart Bartleby, oh yes! This song most certainly fare piacere to me. I'm off for the weekend shortly, but I'll be back to the song next week.

By the way, according to the Finnish Wikipedia page, T-Bone Slim was originally Matti Valentin Huhta, not Valentininpoika which is the Russian way of expressing names (Valentinovich) and most certainly not Valentinpoika without the possessive ending like the name is written on the English Wikipedia page.

Juha Rämö - 17/4/2015 - 12:45

Grazie Juha Rämö.

Agli Admins: potete correggere il nome finladese di T-Bone Slim così come indicato da Juha Rämö?

B.B. - 18/4/2015 - 21:22

Fatto / Done.

Riccardo Venturi - 18/4/2015 - 23:57

Langue: finnois

Traduzione finlandese di Juha Rämö
Finnish translation by Juha Rämö
Suomennos Juha Rämö

Like the original, this Finnish version of the song is sung to the tune of »My Sunny Tennessee«, composed by Herman and Harry Ruby to lyrics written by Bert Kalmar.

Audio link to »My Sunny Tennessee« performed by Peerless Quartet

Audio link to »My Sunny Tennessee« performed by Dan Levinson and His Canary Cottage Dance Orchestra:

A link to T-Bone Slim on the webpage of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Öinen kuu vain seuranani
mietin usein rakkaitani
aikaa muistelen päiväin menneiden
Unen takaa, myötä tuulen
Joe Hillin taas mä äänen kuulen,
mulle kertovan tään viestin vapauden:

Mä tullut oon vapauttamaan orjat kahleistaan,
tuomaan demokratiaa, tasa-arvoa oikeaa
Ei rautakorko enää saa rauhaamme horjuttaa
ja sodan henget ne pois jo mennä saa
Mun unelmain on vanha tää ett' ihmiset kautta maan
sovussa elää vois ja rakastaa toisiaan
Tään valan tahdon vannoa ja teille sanon sen
pian vapaa on tää maailma ikeestä orjuuden

Ylös siis, jo toimeen käykää
Uuteen aikaan tiemme vie tää
Yhteen liittykää taistoon yhteiseen
Herätkää, te työväen joukot
ei teille kuulu kurjat loukot
Kahleet katkokaa, se tie on vapauteen

Mä tullut oon vapauttamaan orjat kahleistaan,
tuomaan demokratiaa, tasa-arvoa oikeaa
Ei rautakorko enää saa rauhaamme horjuttaa
ja sodan henget ne pois jo mennä saa
Mun unelmain on vanha tää ett' ihmiset kautta maan
sovussa elää vois ja rakastaa toisiaan
Tään valan tahdon vannoa ja teille sanon sen
pian vapaa on tää maailma ikeestä orjuuden

Rivit työväen vaikka vankat
nälkäistenkin joukot sankat
Jos kaipaa lohtua jo usko horjuva
niin taas on tutun viestin vuoro
sen toistaa marttyyrien kuoro
se viesti kallis on kauas kaikuva

Mä tullut oon vapauttamaan orjat kahleistaan,
tuomaan demokratiaa, tasa-arvoa oikeaa
Ei rautakorko enää saa rauhaamme horjuttaa
ja sodan henget ne pois jo mennä saa
Mun unelmain on vanha tää ett' ihmiset kautta maan
sovussa elää vois ja rakastaa toisiaan
Tään valan tahdon vannoa ja teille sanon sen
pian vapaa on tää maailma ikeestä orjuuden

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 19/4/2015 - 21:55

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