
Roy Acuff: The Old Age Pension Check

Lingua: Inglese

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Musica di Roy Acuff & His Smoky Mountain Boys
Roy Claxton Acuff (1903-1992) è stato un importante violinista, cantante e produttore di country music.
Testo trovato su Folk Archive

Roy Acuff, King of Country Music (1962)

Il primo sistema pensionistico per i lavoratori dipendenti fu introdotto in Germania nel 1889 dal cancelliere Otto Von Bismark. Molti paesi europei si accodarono negli anni successivi, Italia compresa. Ma, al solito, con mooolta calma: l’iscrizione alla cassa di previdenza divenne da noi obbligatoria solo nel 1919. Negli USA pensione e indennità di disoccupazione furono introdotte da Roosevelt nel 1935, ma il sistema andò a regime solo nel 1939-40, tra il macello della Grande Depressione ed il massacro mondiale che si andava preparando.

Sulla pagina di Wikipedia Italia dedicata alla Pensione un redattore burlone ha significativamente scritto: “Figura mitologica, che i nostri avi videro ma che le generazioni attuali difficilmente riusciranno a vedere.”
When our old age pension check comes to our door,
We won't have to dread the poor house anymore.
Though we're old and thin and gray,
Good times will be back to stay,
When our old age pension check comes to our door.

When her old age pension check comes to her door,
Dear old grandma won't be lonesome any more.
She'll be waiting at the gate,
Every night she'll have a date,
When her old age pension check comes to her door.

Grow a flowing long white beard and use a cane,
'Cause you're in your second childhood, don't complain.
Life will just begin at sixty,
We'll all feel very frisky,
When our old age pension check comes to our door.

Powder and paint will be abolished on that day,
And hoop skirts will then be brought back into play.
Painted cheeks will be the rage,
And old maids will tell their age,
When their old age pension check comes to their door.

All the drug stores will go bankrupt on that day,
For cosmetics, they will all be put away.
I'll put a flapper on the shelf,
Get a grandma for myself,
When her old age pension check comes to her door.

There's a man that turned this country upside-down
With his old age pension rumor going 'round.
If you want in on the fun,
Send your dime to Washington,
And that old age pension man will be around.

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 15/4/2015 - 14:20

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