
The Cry of My Lai

Ivan Lee
Language: English

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The Cry of "My Lai" / It Makes No Difference (1971) [Single]
The Cry of My Lai-800wi

The traditional country song "The Cry of My Lai" (Gold Standard Records # GS-310) - one of the few songs that condemns the massacre, with the narrator telling Calley that "the devil possesses your soul", against the background sound-effect of an infant crying. He asked: "hey lieutenant, can you still hear the small babies cry?". He also wondered if Calley had acted as if in a childhood game: "did the frightened child remind you of a smiling boy, who plays war at home and the gun is only a toy". Released in Nashville, Tennessee, written by Johnny Adams and Ivan Meece.
There in a ditch in My Lai, a small baby cried
Any man that would do this is bound to be
Possessed by the devil himself in disguise
They may set him free, but he'll still hear that small baby cry
Hey lieutenant, you're not god, don't you know
You're just a lieutenant, and the devil possesses your soul
Did the frightened child remind you of a smiling boy
Who plays war at home and the gun is only a toy
Did anyone pray to god that day, was he old enough to ask why
Hey lieutenant, can you still hear the small babies cry...
Has god grown weak and the devil grown strong in a man...
Hey lieutenant, will death set you free from My Lai

Contributed by dq82 - 2015/3/26 - 17:46

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