

Max Roach
Lingua: Inglese

Max Roach

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Scritta da Max Roach e Chips Bayen
Nell’album intitolato “Percussion Bitter Sweet”, pubblicato dalla Impulse! Records nel 1961
Con alcuni mostri sacri del Jazz, come Booker Little (tromba), Eric Dolphy (sax alto, flauto e clarinetto), Clifford Jordan (sax tenore), Mal Waldron (pianoforte), Art Davis (contrabbasso) e l’immancabile splendida voce di Abbey Lincoln.

Percussion Bitter Sweet

Mendacity, mendacity, it makes the world go round
A politician makes a speech and never hears the sound
The campaign trail winds on and on in towns from coast to coast
The winner ain't the one who's straight, but he who lies the most.

Now voting rights in this fair land we know are not denied
But if I tried in certain states, from treetops I'd be tied
Mendacity, mendacity, it seems is everywhere.
But try and tell the truth, and most folks scream "Not fair!"

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 14/2/2015 - 21:21

Io non direi che sono i tamburi che parlano... piuttosto son esercizi di un tamburista provetto ;)

krzyś - 16/2/2015 - 06:01

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