
Don't You Think This Outlaw Bit's Done Got Out of Hand

Waylon Jennings
Lingua: Inglese

Waylon Jennings

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Una canzone ascrivibile al sottogenere country Outlaw e che sulle CCG può benissimo fare il paio per esempio con Starkville City Jail di Johnny Cash.

(Bernart Bartleby)
I'm for law and order, the way that it should be
This song's about the night they spent protecting you from me
Someone called us outlaws in some ol' magazine
New York sent a posse down like I ain't never seen

Don't you think this outlaw bit has done got out of hand?
What started out to be a joke, the law don't understand
Was it singing through my nose that got me busted by the Man?
Maybe this here outlaw bit has done got out of hand

We were wrapped up in our music, that's why we never saw
The cars pull up, the boys get out and the room filled up with law
They came pounding through the back door in middle of the song
They got me for possession of something that was gone, long gone

Don't you think this outlaw bit has done got out of hand?
What started out to be a joke, the law don't understand
Was it singing through my nose that got me busted by the Man?
Maybe this here outlaw bit has done got out of hand

Don't you think this outlaw bit has done got out of hand, out of hand?

30/12/2014 - 02:21

Pagina principale CCG

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