
Dakota Sunset

Big Country
Lingua: Inglese

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New York City, 8 P.M.
The winter chills the voices in his head
Oh, Rosemary your baby
Is the angel of destruction, she said

Judy Garland rents a smile
Boris Karloff lived there too
Lauren Bacall you never knew
The horror of Dakota sunset

New York City, 9 P.M.
Alone, he watches strangers in the dark
And Christopher Columbus
Your garden weeps with sorrow in the park

Now Judy takes a bow
The chorus line forgets its cue
Carnegie Hall you never knew
The horror of Dakota sunset

New York City, 10 P.M.
The stranger reads the pages from the book
In 50 minutes time he will
Kill a man who sings of peace and love

The monster comes alive
Electricity alive
Nikola Tesla never knew
The horror of Dakota sunset

inviata da Beavis - 17/12/2014 - 03:53

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