
Distant Shore

Billy Bragg
Lingua: Inglese

Billy Bragg

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Parole e musica di Ian McLagan, Martyn Barker, Lu Edmonds, Ben Mandelson, Billy Bragg & the Blokes
Nel disco intitolato “England, Half English”, con il gruppo The Blokes.

England, Half English

Un disco interamente incentrato sul razzismo in Gran Bretagna, il diffuso sentimento contro gli immigrati e le violente campagne di stampa, in particolare quelle del Daily Mail, contro i profughi richiedenti asilo.
Everyone knows
That there's no place like home
But I'm just seeking refuge
In a world full of storms

Washed up on a distant shore
Can't go home anymore

The natives are hostile
Whatever I say
The thing they fear most is
That I might want to stay

By their side on a distant shore
Can't go home anymore

I escape my tormentors
By crossing the sea
What I cannot escape is

Far away on a distant shore
Can't go home anymore

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 3/11/2014 - 10:51

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