Same work
Same menu
Same dugout
Same rifle fire
Same shelling
Same early rising
Same late retiring
Same camp discussion
Same workshop in harbour
Same train of donkeys with water
Same hard working little mules
Same bully beef
Same biscuits
Above all same good old pipe I brought from Christchurch.
Same menu
Same dugout
Same rifle fire
Same shelling
Same early rising
Same late retiring
Same camp discussion
Same workshop in harbour
Same train of donkeys with water
Same hard working little mules
Same bully beef
Same biscuits
Above all same good old pipe I brought from Christchurch.
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2014/8/7 - 10:16
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Versi scritti da tal Cooper, un sergente neozelandese dell’ANZAC inviato a combattere nei Dardanelli.
Nel disco intitolato “The Riderless Horse - An Australian Impression of World War 1” (2004) in cui i Roweth, musicisti australiani, hanno raccolto più di 30 canzoni e poesie dal primo e dal secondo fronte durante la Grande Guerra.
La monotonia della vita di guerra, con la morte sempre dietro l’angolo e l’attaccamento alle piccole cose, come una buona vecchia pipa portata da casa…