
كلن عندن دبابات

Shadia Mansour / شادية منصور
Langue: arabe

Shadia Mansour / شادية منصور

Liste des versions

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feat. DAM

[لازمة - شادية منصور]
كلن عندهم دبابات وأحنا عنا حجار
بيهدمو ببيوتنا بقتلو بالأطفال
يا فلسطين الأحرا ر يا غزة الأبطال
الصهيوني جاييلو نهار
ترا ترا ترا

[المقطع الاول - شاديه منصور]
يا غزة الدم يا غزة الهم
نشاركك أحزانك سنكمل كفاحك
فلسطين, يا مربى الأسود
أرضك لا بد أن تعود
يا أبطال ألمقاومه الفلسطينية
بأيمانكم ستفشلون عدا الصهيونية الإرهابية العنصرية الفاشلة
يا شهداء غزة الأبرار
ياما تحديتم العدو على خط النار
أرواحكم سوف تكون رمز المنار
أنتصاركم مكتوبة على كل جدار
عاشت عاشت فلسطين
يا رؤساء وزعماة العرب
بعدكم نايمين أين أنتم؟
أين صوتكم يدوي غضبا"
على هذه الحال

[لازمة - شادية منصور]

[المقطع الثاني - محمود جريري]
شو طلبنا من العالم، حق؟! إنصاف؟!
قام قابلنا في قصف ورد التجاهل
ستين عام تحشروا هالشعب تتآمروا على هالشعب
تقاتلوا هالشعب تمثلوا في هالشعب
والشعب شعب والمحتل محتل
قام العالم ساوى بين هالدم، أمّا عالم مختل
بس التاريخ ما بشفي، التاريخ بمحي
وأنا شايف هالتاريخ طريق برق عيون شعبي
يقولولنا قرار أممي أحترم بنحترم
يقولولهم قرار أمم يقوم يحذف بالزباله
تآخذوهوش سمعها رمم، قيادات جبانة
عايشه بعز والشعوب دايما عايشه بإهانة
هو عنده أسلحه للزوال إحنا
عنا أسلحه للبقاء، عنا حجار عنقوديه
عنا أراده نوويه وعنا عقول مسلحه بقرار شامل
قرار شامل ينادي بالحرية
[لازمة - شادية منصور]

[المقطع الثالث - سهيل النفار]
كلهم عندهم دبابات كلهم عندهم هيليكوبتارات
وأنا كل أللي بأيدي، كل أللي بأيدي هو الحق
شعرهم شاب السواد بأفكارهم هب
فزاد وقع بالقلب فوقعوا بحب الإرهاب
بعاملونا كسرطان عندهم بالقلب
أيديهم مش قادرة تسلم لأنو أصابعهم عالفرد
يا ابن العرّة كلنا غزة هم فالعزة ناس زى
كل الناس في إحساس مش حماس ولا عباس
لما شفت غزة أنا شفت حالي
شفت أطفال تتيتّم عيني ضلهم على أهلي
أطفالي تموت وأنا ابكي أفتش على ولادي
شفت نساوين تلطم فا حضنت أختي
استشهدت مع أللي استشهد لأني شفت آخرتي
ولما شفت ألمقاومه أنا كنت بدي كنت بدي
بس واقعي نصحني أتجه إلى قلمي

[لازمة - شادية منصور]

[المقطع الرابع - تامر النفار ]
نبدى من الآخر، اختلاف شاسع بينا وبينهم
أنا عاجز أني أدافع عن نفسي وبالنسبة ألهم
ساحة الحرب لعبة نينتندو، شايفينا نقط
مالي اسم أنا رقم بعداد جثث
بكل ثقة بعرضوها كدفاع عن النفس
هل هاد غباء أم استعلاء والله مالي نفس أعبر عن رأيي
بلاش يصدقوا أنهم دموقراطية – غيّر محطة
زعيم عربي بخطب؟ غيّر الحطة
اللي بسمعني بفكر أنو كانلي توقعات، عشو متعجب
باليوم اللي في زعماءنا ببدوا يوخدوا موقف ببدى أستغرب
عميان فرص، لأول مرة الشعب بالشارع مغلول
واقف بتظاهر وأنتوا عالكرسي قاعدين- مين المشلول؟
شو أقول؟ ألله يساعد غزة وبكرة يساعدنا!
شو أقول لأطفالي؟ يابا ما حدش وقف جنبنا ؟!
يا قائد العرب جاهزة يا بتعتزل يا بتنتهزها
في فراغ سياسي ومطلوب فحل صاحب كاريزما

[شادية منصور]

envoyé par adriana & lorenzo - 3/8/2014 - 20:49

Langue: anglais

Versione inglese da rap.genius

(Shadia Mansour)

They all have tanks and we have stones
They demolish our homes and kill our children
Oh Palestine the free, oh Gaza the brave
Zionism shall be defeated

Go back to your own country
If you’re smart I will cut your tail off
And I’m not just saying yes
You think that with your weapon you scare me?
At least do something before you start talking, acting as a gangster
Standing behind me
I will demolish you like a sip of water
Suck your brains out and pour them in a cup
Drink them like tea, believe me
Like as when we used to throw stones
I'll throw my words and my words are lethal
I’m brave and I dont fear gunfire
Remebering Che Guevara's wish I'm sweet and innocent
But if you make me hungry I become wild, wild, wild
Who do you think you are, behind the tank like a rooster?

They all have tanks and we have stones
They demolish our homes and kill our children
Oh Palestine the free, oh Gaza the brave
Zionism shall be defeated

Oh Gaza of blood, Oh Gaza of worry
We share your sorrow and shall fulfill your struggle
Palestine, oh land of lions, we shall return
Oh freedom fighters, with your faith
You will defeat the Zionist, racist, cowardly mission
Oh righteous martyrs of Gaza
For too long, you have stood in the line of fire
Your souls, shall be our beacons
Your victories, written all over the walls
Long live, long live, long live, Palestine
And to the Arab leaders, who are still sleeping
Where are you?
Where are your voices that should be filled with outrage and fury at this situation?

They all have tanks and we have stones
They demolish our homes and kill our children
Oh Palestine the free, oh Gaza the brave
Zionism shall be defeated

(Edward Said)

Torture, illegal detention, assassination; assaults against civilians with missiles, helicopters, and jet fighters; annexation of territory; transfer of civilians for purpose of imprisonment; mass killing as in Gaza, Qana, Jenin, Sabra and Shatila; denial of rights to free passage and unimpeded civilian movement, education, and medical aid; use of civilians as human shields; humiliation; house demolitions on a mass scale; destruction of agricultural land; expropriation of water; illegal settlements; economic pauperization; attacks on hospitals, medical workers, and ambulances; and the killing of UN personnel

3/8/2014 - 20:51

Langue: anglais

Ulteriore traduzione da Revolutionary Arab Rap

CHORUS (Shadia Mansour) x2:
They all have tanks and we have stones.
They demolish our homes and kill our children.
O Palestine of the free, O Gaza of the heroes,
the end is coming for the Zionist …tra tra tra!

VERSE 1 (Shadia Mansour):
O Gaza of blood, O Gaza of worry.
We share your sorrow and we shall complete your struggle.
Palestine, O land of lions,
We must return to your land.
O heroes of the Palestinian resistance,
With your faith you will defeat
racist, terroristic, failing Zionism.
O innocent martyrs of Gaza,
how long have you challenged the enemy on the line of fire!
Your souls shall be our beacons.
Your victory will be written on every wall.
Long live, long live Palestine!
O presidents and big men of the Arabs
who are still sleeping - where are you?
Where are your voices that should be filled with outrage
at this situation?

CHORUS (Shadia Mansour):
They all have tanks and we have stones.
They demolish our homes and kill our children.
O Palestine of the free, O Gaza of the heroes,
the end is coming for the Zionist …tra tra tra!

VERSE 2 (Mahmoud Jreri):
What did we ask of the world? Our rights? Fairness?
We were met with bombing and by being ignored.
For 60 years, you cram this people together and conspire against them.
You fight this people. You do the unspeakable to them.
The people are the people and the occupier is the occupier.
The world balanced out the bloodshed. Oh, what a deranged world!
But history does not heal. History erases.
And I see this history as a way to brighten my people’s eyes.
They tell us this is a UN resolution. Respect it. So we respect
them whey say “a UN decision” and they keep throwing around garbage.
Take no notice. All has been restored. Our cowardly leaders
live in luxury while the citizens always live in insult.
They have firearms for destruction and we
have firearms to for survival. Our rocks are cluster bombs.
We have a nuclear will and we have minds that are armed
for a comprehensive resolution, a comprehensive resolution that calls out for freedom.

CHORUS (Shadia Mansour):
They all have tanks and we have stones.
They demolish our homes and kill our children.
O Palestine of the free, O Gaza of the heroes,
the end is coming for the Zionist …tra tra tra!

VERSE 3 (Suhail Nafar):
They all have tanks. They all have helicopters.
And all I have in my hands. All what’s in my hands is what’s right.
Their hair has gone white. The blackness of their thoughts
fell in their hearts and they fell in love with terrorism.
They treat us as if we are cancer in their hearts.
Their hands can’t wave to us because their fingers are on the trigger.
O son of dirt, we are all Gaza, the mother of pride.
We are people like all others. We have feelings. We are not ‘Hamas’ nor are we ‘Abbas.’
When I saw Gaza I saw myself.
I saw children being orphaned and imagine that they are my family.
My children die and I cry. I look for my children.
I saw women grieving and I hugged my sister.
I was martyred with those who were martyred because I saw my end.
And when I saw the resistance I wanted to… I wanted to…
But my reality advised me to turn to my pen.

CHORUS (Shadia Mansour):
They all have tanks and we have stones.
They demolish our homes and kill our children.
O Palestine of the free, O Gaza of the heroes,
the end is coming for the Zionist …tra tra tra!

VERSE 4 (Tamer Nafar):
Let’s get to the point. There’s a big difference between us and them.
I can’t defend myself, but when it comes to them,
the battle field is like a Nintendo game. They see us as dots.
I have no name. I’m just a number in the death counts.
With total confidence, they act like they’re acting in self-defense.
Is this stupidity or egotism? By God, I don’t even feel like expressing my opinion.
There’s no need for them to think they are a democracy. Change the channel!
An Arabic leader delivers a speech. Change the kuffiyeh!
Whoever hears me will think that I had expectations.
Today, those who are our leaders begin taking a position and I get surprised
that they’re blind to opportunities. For the first time, I see the citizen in the street crippled
while he’s standing in a demonstration and your sitting on your chairs. Now who’s crippled?
What do I say? God help Gaza and help us tomorrow too!
What do I say to my children? No one is standing with us?!
Oh leader of the Arabs, either make a move or retire.
We have a political vacancy and we need someone with charisma.

(Shadia Mansour):
They all have tanks and we have stones

1/10/2016 - 18:08

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