
Die to Defend Chevron

Bob A. Feldman
Lingua: Inglese

Bob A. Feldman

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An anti-war and anti-recruitment protest folk song from the 1980s--with some 21st-century updates.
They want you to die for oil
Six thousand miles from home
They want you to die for profits
They want you to die all alone
They want you to die for Rumsfeld
And so the Bush dynasty can rule
Uncle Sam wants you
But only a fool
Would die to defend Chevron.

They want you to die for Mobil
They want you to die for the big banks
They want you to die for their markets
They want you to die for Wall Street
They want you to die for Lockheed
And for the stock of Halliburton
Uncle Sam wants you
But only a fool
Would die to defend Chevron.

They want to draft you from high school
And use your body as they wish
They want to test out their new missiles
They've gotten the nuclear itch
They want you to take on the Mid-East
So Benjamin Netanyahu can rule
Uncle Sam wants you
But only a fool
Would die to defend Chevron.

They want to march you as a soldier
To die on a battlefield
They want to use nuclear weapons
They still want to rule the world
They want you to die for Carlyle
And forget about the price of food
Uncle Sam wants you
But only a fool
Would die to defend Chevron.

They want you to wave their flag
As you stand there without any arms
They want you to sit in a wheelchair
And wave your medals in a bar
They want you to kill for Cheney
And die for Condoleezza
Uncle Sam wants you
But only a fool
Would die to defend Chevron.

Yes, they want you to die for oil
Six thousand miles from home
They want you to die for profits
They want you to die all alone
They want you to die for Clinton
And so Barack Obama can rule
Uncle Sam wants you
But only a fool
Would die to defend Chevron.

inviata da protestfolk - 31/7/2014 - 17:59

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