
What Kind of Man?

Eric Bogle
Language: English

Eric Bogle

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Parole e musica di Eric Bogle
Nel disco intitolato “Voices In The Wilderness”

Voices In The Wilderness

“Dal Getsemani fino ad Auschwitz, l'uomo con il fucile si è frapposto tra noi e ciò che avremmo potuto essere… Riuscirà ancora una volta a trascinarci di nuovo verso la barbarie? Se lo lasciamo fare, che razza di uomini siamo?”

What kind of man is he, and which cause did he use
When he placed the bomb, when he set the fuse
Did he walk away crying "Liberty"
And if he did - what kind of man is he?

Did he sleep well that night deaf to the dying's last screams
Did no bloody ghosts walk through his dreams
Does he shed innocent blood as part of a grand strategy
And if he does - what kind of man is he?

For all the tears and mourning
For all those you've maimed and killed
For all the murdered children
God damn your soul to hell

Is he a family man, does he have any kids
Will they ever understand what their father did
Does he use noble words like 'freedom from tyranny'
And if he does - what kind of man is he?

Are you out there tonight wearing your every man's face
Do you still see yourself as part of the human race
In spite of the murder you've done and the killings you've yet to do
And that's why I ask - what kind of man are you?

For all the tears and mourning
For all those you've maimed and killed
For all the murdered children
God damn your soul to hell

From Gethsemane to Auschwitz the man with the gun
Has stood between us and what we could have become
Shall we be dragged back once again into barbarity?

If we let them do that - what kind of men are we?

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2014/6/19 - 10:03

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