
All Hell Can't Stop Us

Ralph Chaplin
Lingua: Inglese

Ralph Chaplin

Lista delle versioni e commenti

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Versi di Ralph Chaplin.
Sulla melodia di “Hold the Fort”, un inno ottocentesco composto da Philip Paul Bliss.
Nella 15ma edizione del “Little Red Song Book” dell’IWW.

Little Red Song Book
Now the final battle rages;
Tyrants quake with fear;
Rulers of the New Dark Ages
Know their end is near.

Scorn to take the crumbs they drop us;
All is ours by right!
Onward! All Hell can't stop us!
Crush the parasite!

With a world-wide revolution,
Bring them to your feet!
They of crime and persecution,
They must work to eat!

Scorn to take the crumbs they drop us;
All is ours by right!
Onward! All Hell can't stop us!
Crush the parasite!

Tear the mask of lies asunder;
Let the truth be known;
With a voice of angry thunder,
Rise and claim your own!

Scorn to take the crumbs they drop us;
All is ours by right!
Onward! All Hell can't stop us!
Crush the parasite!

Down with Greed and Exploitation;
Tyranny must fall!
Hail to Toil's Emancipation;
Labor shall be all.

Scorn to take the crumbs they drop us;
All is ours by right!
Onward! All Hell can't stop us!
Crush the parasite!

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 23/5/2014 - 10:31

La canzone fu scritta da Ralph Chaplin durante la sua detenzione nella prigione di Leavenworth, tra il 1917 ed il 1921. Presente anche nella raccolta di Chaplin intitolata "Bars And Shadows: The Prison Poems", è quindi databile al 1918 o 1919.

Bernart Bartleby - 23/5/2014 - 13:40

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