
That Sabo-Tabby Kitten

Ralph Chaplin
Lingua: Inglese

Ralph Chaplin

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[1910s o 20s]
Parole di Ralph Chaplin (1887-1961), scrittore, giornalista e “Wobblie”, autore del disegno del “sab cat” o “sabo-tabby”, il gatto nero incazzato simbolo dell’IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) e poi dell’anarco-sindacalismo.
Sulla melodia della popolare americana “Dixie” (o "I Wish I Was in Dixie" o "Dixie's Land").
Nell’ottava edizione del Little Red Songbook.


“If you are down and the boss is gloating, trust in me instead of voting: MEOW! Sabotage!”
“Se siete giù e il padrone invece gongola, fidatevi di me invece di andare a votare: MEOW! Sabotaggio!”

Canzone che, se mi è consentito, dedicherei alla memoria di Redelnoir, il gattone nero padrone di Riccardo, che è scomparso solo l’anno scorso – se non sbaglio – ennesima vittima della nostra mortale e mortifera civiltà dell’auto.

You rotten rats, go hide your face;
I'm right here, so find your places.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
The tiger wild in its jungle sittin'
never fights like this here kitten.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!

O, the rats all hate and fear me.
Meow! MEOW!
The softest paw can be a claw;
they seldom venture near me.
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!

The boss has cream for his lordly dinner;
feed him milk and make him thinner.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
If you are down and the boss is gloating,
trust in me instead of voting.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!

O, the rats all hate and fear me.
Meow! MEOW!
The softest paw can be a claw;
they seldom venture near me.
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!

On every wheel that turns I'm riding;
no one knows, though, where I'm hiding.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
The fight is tough, and you can't see through it?
Shut your traps, and a cat will do it.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!

O, the rats all hate and fear me.
Meow! MEOW!
The softest paw can be a claw;
they seldom venture near me.
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!

Lawyers have no bunk to fill me;
cops and soldiers cannot kill me.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
Step on things that the boneheads bow to;
come with me, and I'll show you how to.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!

O, the rats all hate and fear me.
Meow! MEOW!
The softest paw can be a claw;
they seldom venture near me.
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!

This world should have but free folk in it;
let me show you how to win it.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
Perch will I on the system's coffin,
on the hearse they take it off in.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!

O, the rats all hate and fear me.
Meow! MEOW!
The softest paw can be a claw;
they seldom venture near me.
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 22/5/2014 - 12:09

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