

Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
Language: English

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Versi di Wilfrid Wilson Gibson (1878-1962), nella raccolta “Whin” pubblicata nel 1918.
Musica di John Jeffreys (1927-2010) talentuoso compositore che negli anni 70, purtroppo, distrusse gran parte dei suoi lavori. Solo in parte furono in seguito ricostruiti a partire da alcune registrazioni.

Stow-on-the-Wold è un paese del Gloucestershire inglese.
I met an old man at Stow-on-the-Wold,
Who shook and shivered as though with cold.

And he said to me: "Six sons I had,
And each was a tall and a lively lad.

But all of them went to France with the guns,
They went together, my six tall sons.

Six sons I had, six sons I had
And each was a tall and a lively lad."

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2014/4/24 - 13:02

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