
King's Cross

Pet Shop Boys
Langue: anglais

Pet Shop Boys

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La valigia dell’emigrante
(Gianni Rodari)
30-Year War
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Scritta da Chris Lowe e Neil Tennant.
Nell’album intitolato “Actually”


Come 30-Year War, un’altra radiografia – forse meno esplicita ma altrettanto forte – degli anni d’oro del “thatcherismo”, dell’attacco frontale dell’ultraliberismo alle classi lavoratrici e ai loro diritti.
Una canzone che racconta di disoccupazione, di disperazione e di morte, associando quegli anni bui e duri alla tragedia della stazione di King’s Cross a Londra, quando la sera del 18 novembre 1987 scoppiò un incendio devastante (causato dalla combustione dei gradini in legno delle scale mobili) in quell’importante snodo del sistema ferroviario metropolitano della capitale inglese: morirono in 31, in gran parte persone che tornavano a casa dal lavoro…

The man at the back of the queue was sent
to feel the smack of firm government
Lingered by the fly poster for a fight
It's the same story every night
I've been hurt and we've been had
You leave home and you don't go back

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee

Only last night I found myself lost
by the station called King's Cross
Dead and wounded on either side
You know it's only a matter of time
I've been good and I've been bad
I've been guilty of hanging around

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee

So I went looking out today
for the one who got away
Murder walking round the block
ending up in King's Cross
Good luck, bad luck waiting in a line
It takes more than the matter of time

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee
There is still no guarantee

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 11/4/2014 - 11:17

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