
Niggers Are Scared of Revolution

The Last Poets
Language: English

The Last Poets

List of versions

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Donde empieza

Brano di “spoken word” interpretato da Umar Bin Hassan (1948-) che si unì ai Last Poets (Jalal Mansur Nuriddin aka Alafia Pudim e Abiodun Oyewole) nel 1969.
Nell’album di debutto, intitolato semplicemente “The Last Poets”
Mi è venuto bene di contriburlo dopo averlo ascoltato alla trasmissione "Mu" condotta su Radio2 da Matteo Bordone.

The Last Poets

Uno dei brani più famosi dei Last Poets (Ultimi Poeti, perchè di lì in avanti la parola avrebbe dovuto passare alle armi) in cui la voce di Umar Bin Hassan, accompagnata solo da una scarna base ritmica, si scaglia contro i vizi della comunità nera: “Sarete sempre dei negri, perchè avete paura della Rivoluzione, avete paura del cambiamento, avete paura di prendere il potere, avete paura di agire come Malcolm X... Non fate altro che vivere all’ombra dei bianchi, non fate altro che parlare, parlare, fuck di qua e fuck di là, ma non combinate un cazzo e i fottuti siete voi, che passate il tempo a sucarvi la TV dei bianchi, che vi sparate un ago in vena o che ammazzate i vostri fratelli... In realtà vi sta bene di fare la vostra vita di merda, perchè siete dei negri e avete paura della Rivoluzione...”
L’unico nome citato nel brano è quello di Malcolm X, importante leader religioso e politico dei neri americani. Non a caso i Last Poets si costituirono il 19 maggio del 1968, nel giorno del compleanno di Malcolm X, assassinato solo tre anni prima.
Niggers are scared of revolution
But niggers shouldn't be scared of revolution
Because revolution is nothing but change
And all niggers do is change

Niggers come in from work and change into pimping clothes
And hit the streets to make some quick change

Niggers change their hair from black to red to blond
And hope like hell their looks will change

Nigger kill other niggers
Just because one didn't receive the correct change

Niggers change from men to women, from women to men
Niggers change, change, change

You hear niggers say
Things are changing? Things are changing?
Yeah, things are changing
Niggers change into 'Black' nigger things
Black nigger things that go through all kinds of changes
The change in the day that makes them rant and rave
Black Power! Black Power!
And the change that comes over them at night, as they sigh and moan:
White thighs, ooh, white thighs

Niggers always goin' through bullshit change
But when it comes for real change
Niggers are scared of revolution

Niggers are actors, niggers are actors
Niggers act like they are in a hurry
To catch the first act of the 'Great White Hope'

Niggers try to act like Malcolm
And when the white man doesn't react
Toward them like he did Malcolm
Niggers want to act violently

Niggers act so coooool and slick
Causing white people to say:
What makes you niggers act like that?
Niggers act like you ain't never seen nobody act before
But when it comes to acting out revolution
Niggers say: 'I can't dig them actions!'
Niggers are scared of revolution

Niggers are very untogether people
Niggers talk about getting high and riding around in 'els'
Niggers should get high and ride to hell
Niggers talk about pimping
Pimping that, pimping what
Pimping yours, pimping mine
Just to be pimping, is a helluva line

Niggers are very untogether people
Niggers talk about the mind
Talk about: My mind is stronger than yours
"I got that bitch's mind uptight!"
Niggers don't know a damn thing about the mind
Or they'd be right
Niggers are scared of revolution

Niggers fuck. Niggers fuck, fuck, fuck
Niggers love the word fuck
They think it's so fuckin' cute
They fuck you around
The first thing they say when they're mad: 'Fuck it'
You play a little too much with them
They say 'Fuck you'
When it's time to TCB
Niggers are somewhere fucking
Try to be nice to them, they fuck over you

Niggers don't realize while they doin' all this fucking
They're getting fucked around
And when they do realize it's too late
So niggers just get fucked up

Niggers talk about fucking
Fuckin' that, fuckin' this, fuckin' yours, fuckin' my sis
Not knowing what they're fucking for
They ain't fucking for love and appreciation
Just fucking to be fucking

Niggers fuck white thighs, black thighs, yellow thighs, brown thighs
Niggers fuck ankles when they run out of thighs
Niggers fuck Sally, Linda, and Sue
And if you don't watch out
Niggers will fuck you!
Niggers would fuck 'Fuck' if it could be fucked
But when it comes to fucking for revolutionary causes
Niggers say 'Fuck revolution!'
Niggers are scared of revolution

Niggers are players, niggers are players, are players
Niggers play football, baseball and basketball
While the white man cuttin' off their balls

When the nigger's play ain't tight enough
To play with some black thighs
Niggers play with white thighs
To see if they still have some play left
And when there ain't no white thighs to play with
Niggers play with themselves

Niggers tell you they're ready to be liberated
But when you say 'Let's go take our liberation'
Niggers reply: 'I was just playin'
Niggers are playing with revolution and losing
Niggers are scared of revolution

Niggers do a lot of shootin'
Niggers do a lot of shootin'

Niggers shoot off at the mouth
Niggers shoot pool, niggers shoot craps
Niggers cut around the corner and shoot down the street
Niggers shoot sharp glances at white women
Niggers shoot dope into their arm

Niggers shoot guns and rifles on New Year's Eve
A new year that is coming in
The white police will do more shooting at them
Where are niggers when the revolution needs some shots!?
Yeah, you know. Niggers are somewhere shootin' the shit
Niggers are scared of revolution

Niggers are lovers, niggers are lovers are lovers
Niggers love to see Clark Gable
Make love to Marilyn Monroe
Niggers love to see Tarzan fuck all the natives
Niggers love to hear the Lone Ranger yell "Heigh Ho Silver!"

Niggers love commercials, niggers love commercials
Oh how niggers love commercials:
"You can take niggers out of the country, but
You can't take the country out of niggers"

Niggers are lovers, are lovers, are lovers
Niggers loved to hear Malcolm rap
But they didn't love Malcolm
Niggers love everything but themselves

But I'm a lover too, yes I'm a lover too
I love niggers, I love niggers, I love niggers

Because niggers are me
And I should only love that which is me
I love to see niggers go through changes
Love to see niggers act
Love to see niggers make them plays and shoot the shit

But there is one thing about niggers I do not love
Niggers are scared of revolution

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2014/2/1 - 18:15

Language: Spanish

Free interpretation by the chilean rapper Portavoz in his album "Escribo Rap con R de Revolución" (2012)

Al pueblo la revolución le causa espanto
Extraña situación si la revolución no es mas que cambio
Si hay algo que el pueblo nunca deja de hacer siempre es
Cambiar, cambiar y continuamente estar cambiando

Cambia el celular varias veces al año
Cambia de plan, de empresa Movistar, Entel o también Claro
Cambia casa comercial y tarjetas de crédito
Cambian lo viejo por lo nuevo aunque el chauchero esté esquelético

Cambian su voto y su candidato de un rato a otro
Como quien cambia los platos, tal vez los zapatos rotos
Cambian de moda, sí, con toda naturalidad
Y se trastorna con la ultima ropa que el mercado da

Hace maravillas pa' actualizar sus bienes
Y obtener la tecnología fina que le ilumina la tele
Su vida gira en el tener y mas tener
Se le olvida que al fin de mes la rutina es asesina y duele

Y de tanto cambiar sus cosas locamente le cambia la cara
Porque nunca paran las deudas pendientes
Es un cliente de un presente embustero
De los nuevos pulperos y cambian su ficha habitualmente pero

Cuando hay que hacer un cambio verdadero
Un cambio por mejor vida mas digna pal pueblo entero
Por una sociedad mas justa, culta, en busca de emancipación
Maldición, al pueblo le asusta la revolución

Cuánto tendremos que ver y aguantar (Cuanta opresión)
Para despertar
Tanta mentira y tanta crueldad (Hermano)
Basta ahora ya

Cuánto tendremos que ver y aguantar
Para despertar (Así es)
Tanta mentira y tanta crueldad (Hermana)
Basta ahora ya

¿Cuándo el pueblo va a dejar de ser su propio lobo
De balearse entre pasajes sólo por ser el más choro?
De fragmentarse, dejar de salvarse solo
Pa' ayudarse, pensar como clase y salvarse entre todos

Pero el pueblo confunde el enemigo
Insulta a su vecino que no tiene culpa de su injusta situación
En vez de apuntar al real pepino que vino a
Dificultar su destino y lo sepulta con explotación

El pueblo ama, sí, ama el sensacionalismo
Ama los programas de farándula, ama el pan y circo
Ama las portadas que llaman al consumismo
Ama con ganas pero el gran drama el que no se ama a sí mismo

Pero yo mismo amo, amo y esa es la verdad
Amo al pueblo a pesar de todo porque soy de acá
Sé de donde vengo soy pueblo como mis panas
Y sé que el estado en el que estamos no ha germinado de la nada

Y es que nos han golpeado y matado nuestras ilusiones
No han inculcado a diario anti valores cabrones
No(s) han convertido en individuos sin grandes metas
No(s) han reducido nuestro sentido de vida a una tarjeta

Pero me gusta el pueblo por que en él, la solución
Me gusta el obrero y me siento a gusto en la población
Pero hay algo que nunca me va a provocar satisfacción
Maldición, al pueblo le asusta la revolución

Es el poblacional en el micrófono
Para mi gente
Y dice así, ya

Cuánto tendremos que ver y aguantar (Cuanta opresión)
Para despertar
Tanta mentira y tanta crueldad (Hermano)
Basta ahora ya

Cuánto tendremos que ver y aguantar
Para despertar (Así es)
Tanta mentira y tanta crueldad (Hermana)
Basta ahora ya

Quiero ser libre... realmente libre
Quiero ser libre... realmente libre

Contributed by chamico - 2020/10/1 - 13:22

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