
Or Else! (One-a These Days)

Pete Seeger
Lingua: Inglese

Pete Seeger

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Parole di Pete Seeger, David Bernz e A.N. Onymous (?).
Musica di Pete Seeger.

Trovo la canzone nell’album “At 89” del 2008.

At 89

“Verrà il giorno in cui la nostra scuola riceverà i soldi di cui ha bisogno, mentre la Marina militare dovrà mettersi a vendere le torte per comprarsi una nave da guerra… Verrà il giorno in cui Johnny riceverà i soldi di cui ha bisogno per la sua salute, mentre l’Aeronautica militare dovrà organizzare una lotteria per comprarsi un bombardiere…”
One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days, one-a these days

Our school will get the money it needs for smaller classes,
And the Navy will hold a bake sale to build a battleship.

One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days, one-a these days

And Johnny will get the money he needs for that operation,
And the Air Force will hold a raffle to buy a bomber.

One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days, one-a these days

And every vote will be counted in every election,
And the winners will always keep all of their promises.

One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days, one-a these days

And around the world we’ll learn each other’s languages
And the very first thing we’ll learn is how to listen.
[spoken] “Who knows the word for ‘hello’ in some other language?”
[spoken responses of “hello” in several languages]

One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days, one-a these days

God only knows what the future will be
God only knows what the future will be
But God gave us brains
He meant us to use ’em

One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days, one-a these days

One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days (ONE-A THESE DAYS)
One-a these days, one-a these days

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 29/1/2014 - 11:32

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