
John Brown

David Rovics
Language: English

David Rovics

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John Brown (Torrington, 9 maggio 1800 – Charles Town, 2 dicembre 1859) è stato un attivista statunitense, simbolo della causa antischiavista cui si dedicò anche mediante la lotta armata e per cui pagò con la vita. Egli fu infatti impiccato in seguito al fallito assalto all'arsenale federale di Harper's Ferry con le cui armi voleva dare il via ad una rivolta grazie al sostegno degli schiavi nelle contee occidentali dello Stato della Virginia.
La canzone John Brown's Body, di cui esiste anche una versione italiana, fece di lui un eroico martire della causa nordista. Essa perciò, adottata come canzone di battaglia dell'Unione durante la Guerra Civile Americana, divenne popolare.
Owen Brown was an abolitionist
John was Owen's son
He grew up in New England
He was born in Torrington
John Brown was a tanner
And a man of many skills
And he stood up for the workers
Who toiled in the mills
He stood up for the Indians
He stood up for the women
For the oppressed and the exploited
This good man stood with them
So when Kansas was bleeding
He went and joined the fray
If the slave-trade wanted Kansas
Then the slave traders had to pay

Riding through the Kansas prairie
With a fine and loyal band
Glory, Hallelujah Beecher's
Bible in his hand

With two thousand of New England's
Best and bravest sons
Captain Brown fought in Kansas
With a Bible and a gun
When Free Lawrence was on fire
Lighting up the night
The ruffians would flee
John Brown would stand and fight
Lincoln called him a fanatic
And he was a Christian who
Thought you should do unto others
As you'd have others do unto you
Christ said love your neighbor
And if your neighbor's held in slavery
He was one who felt his duty
Was to fight to set them free

He drove the slave trade out of Kansas
Then went to bordering Missouri
Raided the plantations
No compromise, said he
Broke the chains and shackles
Rode at night to Canada
Out of the nightmare
The devil's friend, America
He was caught in Harper's Ferry
His family lying dead
They questioned him for hours
As he lay there and bled
They hanged him on the gallows
And laid him in his grave
John Brown was a Christian
And he died to free the slave

Contributed by donquijote82 - 2014/1/28 - 11:29

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