
The Bonny Light Horseman / Broken-Hearted I Wander

Langue: anglais

Liste des versions

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Un lamento irlandese e inglese risalente ai tempi delle guerre napoleoniche.

Martin Howley cantò una versione chiamata "The Young Horseman" a Pat Mackenzie nella sua casa di Fanore, nella contea di Clare, nell'estate del 1975. Questa registrazione è stata inclusa nel 1998 nella fondamentale antologia A Story I'm Just About to Tell (The Voice of the People Series Volume 8).

Il gruppo folk di Manchester Canny Fettle ha inciso una versione intitolata Bonny Light Horseman nel 1975 nell'album Varry Canny.

Lal e Norma Waterson hanno cantato la canzone nell'album del 1977 A True Hearted Girl.

Sam Henry sostiene che la melodia, che ha probabilmente più di quattrocento anni, sia di origine irlandese perché utilizza una "gapped scale" (cioè una scala che non usa la quarta e la settima nota). Secondo William Barret la canzone era molto diffusa in Inghilterra dopo il 1790 diffusa su fogli volanti (broadsides) stampati a Londra, Birmingham e Preston. Esistono diverse varianti della melodia. La canzone nota anche come Broken Hearted I Wander, ha conosciuto una grande popolarità durante le guerre napoleoniche.

Mary Ann Carolan ha cantato The Bonny Light Horseman a Roly Brown nella sua casa a Hill o' Rath, contea di Louth nel 1978. La registrazione è stata pubblicata nel 1982 nell'album Songs from the Irish Tradition. Sean Corcoran scriveva nelle note di copertina di quel disco:

Questa canzone inglese è stata diffusa su fogli volanti in Irlanda e divenne abbastanza popolare. Versioni diverse sono state raccolde a Wexford, nella collezione P.J. McCall conservata presso la Biblioteca Nazionale a Dublino, a Galway (cantata da Sen O Conaire) e ad Antrim (Sam Henry, Songs of the People, No. 122). Era cantata su due arie dverse, una diffusa nel sud e una nel nord ovest. Mrs Caloran canta l'aria del sud, mentre la melodia raccolta a Galway è la stessa della versione A di Henry, anche se Sean O Connaire la canta nello stile pieno di abbellimenti tipico del Connemara. Nella prima registrazione del 1970 Mrs Carolan cantava questa canzone con un ritmo molto più veloce.

Jaquey Gabriel ha cantato The Bonny Light Horseman a Mike Yates a Winchombe, Gloucestershire nel 1978. Questa registrazione è stata inclusa nel 2004 nell'antologia The Birds Upon the Tree. Nel libretto che accompagnava il disco si legge

Una canzone risalente all'epoca di Waterloo. Compariva su diversi fogli volanti stampati in diverse parti dell'Inghilterra. Esistono anche delle edizioni in canzonieri stampati negli Stati Uniti nel 1835 e 1850. Alcune versioni hanno delle strofe che si riferiscono a Napoleone Bonaparte.

I Planxty l'hanno incisa nel 1979 nell'album After the Break.

Per informazioni sulle altre versioni rimandiamo a
Mainly Norfolk: English Folk and Other Good Music

Presentiamo per prima il testo cantato da Lal and Norma Waterson, però con la seconda e la terza strofa invertite come nella versione di Eliza Carthy, che rendono più chiara la narrazione. Tutte le trascrizioni provengono da Mainly Norfolk.
Well now Bonaparte, he has commanded his troops for to stand
And he levelled up his cannon all over the land;
Yes he levelled his cannon, the whole victory to gain,
And he slew my light horseman returning from Spain.

Broken-hearted I wander all for my true lover,
He's a bonny light horseman, in the war has been slain

You should see my light horseman on a cold winter's day,
With his red and rosy cheeks and his curly black hair.
He's mounted on horseback, the whole victory to gain,
And he's over the battlefield for honour and fame.

Broken-hearted I wander all for my true lover,
He's a bonny light horseman, in the war has been slain

All ye wives', sweethearts' and widows' attention I pray,
For me heart it is broken and it's fading away.
I'm a maid so distracted, broken-hearted I wander
For my bonny light horseman in the war has been slain.

Broken-hearted I wander all for my true lover,
He's a bonny light horseman, in the war has been slain

Now if I had have had the wings of an eagle I'd fly
To my bonny light horseman and there I'd lie by,
And with me little fluttering wings I would build up me nest.
Oh my bonny light horseman you're the boy I love best.

25/1/2014 - 18:39

Langue: anglais

Versione cantata da Martin Howley

I once loved a soldier and a soldier bright and gay,
So now he has left me and gone far away.
To the dark plains of Egypt he was forced for to go
To die in the fields or to conquer his foe.

Broken-hearted I'll wander, broken-hearted I will be,
Since my lovely young horseman to the war he's gone from me.

And it's early each morning as I come down for to dress,
I gaze at his picture hung over my head.
Such a lovely young fellow so manly and so tall.
It was scarcely you would think they would kill him at all.

It was brave Napoleon, it was he who took command,
And he planted his cannons all over the land.
He planted his cannons for some victory to gain,
And he slew brave MacDonald coming over from Spain.

If I was an eagle and had wings for to fly,
I would fly to the plains where my own darling lie.
And in his cold grave I would build my own nest,
And contented I'd be on his lily-white breast.

25/1/2014 - 19:20

Langue: anglais

Versione interpretata da Jacquey Gabriel

All you maidens, wives and widows, I would have you pay attention;
For my very heart is aching, aching in its inmost core.
I'm a maiden that's distracted, broken-hearted I must wander,
For my bonny light horseman is slain in the wars.

Broken-hearted I wander, broken-hearted I wander.
For my bonny light horseman is slain in the wars.

Were I wing-ed like an eagle, I would fly unto my darling.
To that spot so sad and lonely where my true love he is lain.
I would kiss the grass above him for evermore I love him,
And I'll curse the wars so cruel that my true love has betrayed.

Broken-hearted I wander, broken-hearted I wander.
For my bonny light horseman is slain in the wars.

Like a dove I will go mourning for the loss of my own darling.
And no other man on this wide earth my heart will ever gain.
In my grave so cold and cheerless very soon I will be lying.
But my love and I in Heaven above will surely meet again.

Broken-hearted I wander, broken-hearted I wander.
For my bonny light horseman is slain in the wars.

25/1/2014 - 20:11

Langue: anglais

Versione cantata da Andy Irvine con i Planxty
da King Laoghaire

Oh, Napoleon Bonaparte, you're the cause of my woe
Since my bonny light horseman to the wars he did go
Broken hearted I'll wander, broken hearted I'll remain
Since my bonny light horseman in the wars he was slain

When Boney commanded his armies to stand
And proud lift his banners all gayly and grand
He levelled his cannons right over the plain
And my bonny light horseman in the wars he was slain

Oh, Napoleon Bonaparte, you're the cause of my woe
Since my bonny light horseman to the wars he did go
Broken hearted I'll wander, broken hearted I'll remain
Since my bonny light horseman in the wars he was slain

And if I was some small bird and had wings and could fly
I would fly over the salt sea where my true love does lie
Three years and six months now, since he left this bright shore
Oh, my bonny light horseman will I never see you more?

Oh, Napoleon Bonaparte, you're the cause of my woe
Since my bonny light horseman to the wars he did go
Broken hearted I'll wander, broken hearted I'll remain
Since my bonny light horseman in the wars he was slain

And the dove she laments for her mate as she flies
"Oh, where, tell me where is my true love?" she sighs
"And where in this wide world is there one to compare
With my bonny light horseman who was killed in the war?"

Oh, Napoleon Bonaparte, you're the cause of my woe
Since my bonny light horseman to the wars he did go
Broken hearted I'll wander, broken hearted I'll remain
Since my bonny light horseman in the wars he was slain

25/1/2014 - 20:15

Langue: anglais

Versione cantata da Tony Rose

Oh, when Boney commanded all his troops for to stand,
He's levelled his cannon all over the land,
He's levelled his cannon for the victory to gain,
And he slew my light horseman from the wars coming home.

Broken-hearted I'll wander for the loss of my lover,
He's the bonny light horseman, in the wars he was slain.

Oh, if I was a small bird and had wings to fly,
I'd fly o'er the salt sea where my true love he do lie.
And with these fond wings, oh I'd beat on his grave,
I'd kiss the fond lips that lie cold in the clay.

Broken-hearted I'll wander for the loss of my lover,
He's the bonny light horseman, in the wars he was slain.

Now the dove she laments for her mate as she flies;
Where, tell me where is my true love? she cries,
And where in this wide world is there one to compare,
To my bonny light horseman who was slain in the war?

Broken-hearted I'll wander for the loss of my lover,
He's the bonny light horseman, in the wars he was slain.

Oh, when Boney commanded all his troops for to stand,
He's levelled his cannon all over the land,
He's levelled his cannon for the victory to gain,
And he slew my light horseman from the wars coming home.

25/1/2014 - 20:17

Langue: anglais

Sul suo bel sito Terre Celtiche, Cattia Salto offre le traduzioni in italiano di alcune delle versioni inglesi sopra riportate. E soprattutto chiarisce due cose che mi paiono importanti:

- La canzone risale al periodo in cui i francesi misero a punto il primo sistema d’artiglieria moderno, quello ideato dal generale ed ingegnere Jean-Baptiste Vaquette de Gribeauval ed a lui intitolato. Il sistema “Gribeauval” mandò in pensione per sempre quella che era stata fino a quel momento la forza d’urto principale in battaglia, la cavalleria. Come nota Cattia Salto, “nella canzone si evidenzia proprio la spersonalizzazione della guerra e la trasformazione dei soldati in carne da cannone.”

- “La canzone è sostanzialmente un lament cantato dalla donna che ha perduto il suo uomo in guerra… il grido di dolore delle donne (madri e mogli, compagne) che restano a casa mentre gli uomini fanno la guerra… La storia universale di una perdita che si rinnova per ogni soldato che muore in guerra.”

Cattia Salto riporta poi una lezione del brano molto più “al femminile” delle altre, quella a capella delle Cherish The Ladies:

Cherish The Ladies - The Bonnie Light Horseman

Broken-hearted I’ll wander
For the loss of my lover
He is my bonny light horseman
In the wars he was slain

When Boney commanded
his armies to stand
He leveled his cannon
right over the land
He leveled his cannon
his victory to gain
And slew my light horseman
on the way coming in

Broken-hearted I’ll wander
Broken-hearted I’ll remain
Since my bonny light horseman
In the wars he was slain

And if I was a small bird
and had wings to fly
I would fly o’er the salt seas
to where my love does lie
And with my fond wings
I’d beat over his grave
And kiss the pale lips
that lie cold in the clay

Broken-hearted I’ll wander
Broken-hearted I’ll remain
Since my bonny light horseman
In the wars he was slain

Well, the dove, she laments
for her mate as she flies
“Tell me where,
tell me where is my true love,” she cries
And where in this wide world
is there one to compare
With my bonny light horseman
who was slain in the war

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 16/3/2016 - 10:41

Langue: italien

Traduzione italiana di Cattia Salto della versione delle Cherish The Ladies.

Con il cuore a pezzi camminerò
a causa della perdita del mio amore
è il mio bel cavaliere
che è stato ucciso in battaglia

Quando Bonaparte comandò
alle sue truppe di disporsi
puntò i suoi cannoni
proprio sulla piana
puntò i suoi cannoni
per ottenere la vittoria
e uccise il mio bel cavaliere

Con il cuore a pezzi camminerò,
con il cuore a pezzi resterò
da quando il mio bel cavaliere
è stato ucciso in battaglia

Se fossi un uccellino
e avessi le ali per volare
volerei oltre il mare salato
fin dove giace il mio amore
e con le mie ali appassionate
demolirei la sua tomba
per baciare le pallide labbra
che stanno nella fredda terra

Con il cuore a pezzi camminerò,
con il cuore a pezzi resterò
da quando il mio bel cavaliere
è stato ucciso in battaglia

La colomba si lamenta
per il compagno mentre vola
” ditemi dove
dov’è il mio vero amore?” si lamenta
“e dove in questo vasto mondo
c’è n’è uno eguale
al mio bel cavaliere
che è stato ucciso in guerra?”

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 16/3/2016 - 10:44

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