
Rubens Has Been Shot!

Lingua: Inglese


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About an incident in 1921 Dresden when fighting between workers and the German army lead to damage to a Peter Paul Rubens painting in the Zwinger Gallery, as the reaction was more critical of the damage to artwork than the loss of life

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree
How bent your branches seem to be
Nineteen twenty-one and all's well
Another fifteen years and we'll be laughing in hell

One bullet straight through the heart
Rubens caught a ricochet, Durer's lady cried today
Cracked old masters up against the wall
Blue-faced Wendy Woolworth--she's seen it all

Housepainter, housepainter
Hanging your swastika wallpaper
Rows of pretty cabbageheads to gobble up your words
Laughing along to your blah, blah, blah

inviata da DoNQuijote82 - 12/1/2014 - 16:16

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