
No Woman No Drive

Hisham Fageeh / هشام فقيه
Langue: anglais

Hisham Fageeh /  هشام فقيه

Liste des versions

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[October 26, 2013]
[26 ottobre 2013]
Produced by:
Hisham Fageeh
Fayad Albutairi
Alaa Wardi
Behind the Camera:
Alaa Yoosef
Meshal Aljaser
Abdulaziz Alshaikh

"Nella giornata scelta dalle attiviste saudite per sfidare il divieto di guida per le donne, Hisham Fageeh, artista e attivista, ha espresso solidarietà alle tante saudite che in queste ore sono scese in strada al volante (rischiando l'arresto) con questo video. A dimostrazione che quella del divieto di guida per le donne non è solo una questione femminile." -

Hisham Fageeh è un comico e attivista sociale saudita, nato a Riyad il 26 ottobre 1987. Nel giorno del suo 26° compleanno in un giorno 26 ha pubblicato su YouTube (con una traduzione araba) questo suo "remake" della famosissima canzone di Bob Marley, No Woman No Cry a sostegno della lotta delle donne saudite per un semplice diritto, quello a guidare una macchina. Ma, naturalmente, l'Arabia Saudita, faro della civiltà "occidentale", alleato di ferro degli USA, ecc. ecc. ecc.... [CCG/AWS Staff]
Hello, my name is Hisham Fageeh. I'm an artist and social activist. I don't really listen to music, but while studying in the US I heard this song by this Jamaican guy that really caught my attention. I decided to do my own rendition with lyrics relevant to my culture, but without musical instruments. And now, with the help of some of my talented friends, I sing.

No woman, no drive
No woman, no drive
No woman, no drive
No woman, no drive

Say, say
Say I remember when you used to sit
In the family car, but backseat
Ova, ovaries all safe and well
So you can make lots and lots of babies

Good friends we had and good friends we lost
On the highway
In this bright future
You can't forget your past
So put your car key away

No woman, no drive
No woman, no drive
Hey, little sister, don't touch that wheel
No woman, no drive

I remember when you used to sit
In the family car, but backseat
Of course the driver can take you everywhere
Because the queens don't driiiiive

But you can cook for me my dinner
Of which I'd share with you
Your feet is your only carriage
But only inside the house
- And when I say it I mean it

Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright
Ev'rything's gonna be alright

No woman, no drive
No woman, no woman no drive
Hey, little sister, don't touch that wheel
No woman, no drive.

envoyé par Fatma la Lavavetressa & Ahmed il Lavavetri - 27/10/2013 - 12:45

Langue: italien

Traduzione italiana


La traduzione in lingua araba si trova nei sottotitoli del video. Se qualcuno fosse in grado di trascriverla, ci faccia sapere... [CCG/AWS Staff]

Ciao, mi chiamo Hisham Fageeh. Sono un artista e attivista sociale. La musica non la ascolto proprio, ma mentre studiavo negli USA ho ascoltato questa canzone da un tipo giamaicano che mi ha veramente colpito. Ho deciso di farne una versione mia con parole adattate alla mia cultura, ma senza strumenti musicali. Ora, con l'aiuto di alcuni bravi miei amici, la canto.

No donna, no guida
No donna, no guida
No donna, no guida
No donna, no guida

Eh, eh,
Eh, ricordo quando te ne stavi seduta
Nell'auto di famiglia, ma sul sedile dietro
Le ova, le ovaie tutte belle al sicuro
Così puoi fare un sacco di bambini

Buoni amici avevamo, buoni amici abbiamo perso
In questo futuro luminoso
Non puoi dimenticare il passato
Quindi metti via le chiavi della macchina

No donna, no guida
No donna, no guida
Hey, sorellina, non toccare quel volante
No donna, no guida

Ricordo quando te ne stavi seduta
Nell'auto di famiglia, ma sul sedile dietro
Certo l'autista può portarti dappertutto
Perché le regine non guiiiiidano

Però puoi prepararmi il pranzo
Che potrei dividere con te
Il tuo unico mezzo di trasporto sono i piedi
Ma solo dentro casa
E quando te lo dico io, insomma!

E tutto andrà bene
E tutto andrà bene
E tutto andrà bene
E tutto andrà bene
E tutto andrà bene
E tutto andrà bene
E tutto andrà bene
E tutto andrà bene

No donna, no guida
No donna, no donna, no guida
Hey, sorellina, non toccare quel volante
No donna, no guida.

envoyé par CCG/AWS Staff - 27/10/2013 - 13:16

‘No woman, no drive’ mocks Saudi Arabia
Acapella rendition of iconic Bob Marley song takes a jab at kingdom’s ban on female drivers
The Times of Israel

An astonishingly well done acapella rendition of the famous 1974 song “No woman, no cry” by Bob Marley makes a playful dig at Saudi Arabia’s long-time ban on female drivers, just as a national campaign protesting the prohibition in the ultra-conservative kingdom kicked off Saturday. The song is appropriately called “No woman, no drive.”

The video, posted to YouTube on Saturday, shows what appears to be several young men — but may be just one man — decked out in red-checkered keffiyehs and white robes, often worn in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, clapping, whistling and singing their way though the altered lyrics to comical effect.

The “lead” singer, introduced as Hisham Fageeh, an artist and social activist, begins by saying that he doesn’t really listen to music but while studying in the US, a “song by a Jamaican guy” caught his attention and he decided to do his own version with “lyrics relevant to [my culture].” Fageeh’s Twitter bio lists an email address that ends in .sa for Saudi Arabia.

With lyrics such as “I remember when you used to sit, in the family car, but backseat,” and “ovaries all safe and well, so you can make lots and lots of babies” — a reference to the ridiculous statement last month by a Saudi cleric who said driving risks damaging women’s ovaries and pelvises — the video certainly make a point.

“Hey little sister, don’t touch that wheel,” the song goes on, in an apparent show of support to the women defying the ban across the kingdom Saturday.

Though no specific Saudi law bans women from driving, women are not issued licenses. Powerful clerics who hold far-reaching influence over the monarchy enforce the ban, warning that breaking it will spread “licentiousness.”

In the run-up to the campaign, police warned that anyone disturbing public order would be dealt with forcefully. Ultraconservative clerics also protested earlier in the week against the online petition campaign, which was launched in late September and says it has more than 16,000 signatures. The account’s website,, and official English language YouTube account were hacked on Friday, according to activists.

The kingdom’s first major driving protest came in 1995. Some 50 women who drove their cars were jailed for a day, had their passports confiscated and lost their jobs. In June 2011, about 40 women got behind the wheel in several cities in a protest sparked when a woman was arrested after posting a video of herself driving.

Commento: Certo in Israele le donne palestinesi le fanno guidare, in compenso le bombardano tranquillamente mentre guidano, o le sparano se tentano di passare alla guida da qualche "valico" senza autorizzazione.... [Ahmed il Lavavetri]

Ahmed il Lavavetri - 27/10/2013 - 13:04

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