
السلام عليك (Assalamu Alaikum)

Milagro Acústico
Lingua: Arabo

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Sicilia Araba

introduzione: Bob Salmieri
Lyrics: Jabbār ibn Muhammad ibn Hamdīs (Siracusa o Noto, 1056 circa – Maiorca, ramadan 1133)
Music: Bob Salmieri
بعد 1000 عام إذا أراد اللّه ستصدح أبيات شعراء صقلّية العرب مرّة أخرى.ابن حمديس ، أبو القاسم عبد الرّحمان ، ابن القطّة ، أشعاركم تحكي مأساة الحب الضائع و همّ أرضهم المسلوبة من الرّوم.
نورمانديون، شوابيا ، اسبان ، فرنسيون و اخرون احتلّوا الجوامع و جفّفوا الابار لكنهم لم ينجحوا في محو القصائد ، كلّهم مع المطر جاؤوا و مع الرّيح ذهبوا.
بوب سالمياري لحّن الأشعار ، مروان سامر غنّاها ، و ميلاقرو اكوستيكو يؤدّوها حتى لا تنسى.

لو أنّك زرتِني لوجدتني في صدمة
يا ليتكِ رأيت ما فعل بي الفراق
نهر من الدّموع تلتهب
وأنفاسي تحترق
بيني و بينك تيّار ملتهب

inviata da DoNQuijote82 - 20/10/2013 - 23:47

Lingua: Arabo (Romanized)

Baada 1000 aam itha arada Allah satasdahu abyatu shuara’a Siqilliyat al-aarab marratan ukhra.
Ibn Hamdis Abd Allah Sadus, Ibn al Qatta, Abu al Quasim abd al Rahman, ashaarukum tahky ma’sat al-hubb al-dha’aa wa hamma ardhihi al-masluba min al-Rum.
Nurmandiyyun, Shawabiya, Isban, Faransiyun, wa akharun ihtallu al-jawamea wa jaffafu al-abaar lakinnahom lam yanjahu fi mahwi al-qasa’ed. Kulluhum maa al-rihi ja’u ma maa arrihi dhahabu.
Bob Salmieri lahhan al-ash’ar, Marwan Samer ghannaha wa Milagro Acustico yu’adduha hatta la tunsa.
Assalamu Alaikum”

Wa law kunti za’erati la raa’ki mandhiri
Faraa’yti bi yasnaa’u attafriku
Wa lihalen men admu’i wa harra tanafusi
Bayni waa baynaki lojaton wa hariku

inviata da DoNQuijote82 - 21/10/2013 - 00:01

Lingua: Italiano

Versione italiana dal sito ufficiale
Che la pace sia con voi

Dopo 1000 anni, se Dio vuole, i versi dei poeti Arabi di Sicilia, risuonano ancora.
Ibn Hamdis, Abd Allah Sadus, Ibn al Qatta, Abu al Quasim abd al Rahman, le vostre poesie ci raccontano le sofferenze dell’amore perduto, l’angoscia per la propria terra invasa dai Rum.
Normanni, Svevi, spagnoli, francesi, e altri hanno occupato la Sicilia, distrutto le moschee, asciugato i pozzi, ma non sono riusciti a cancellare le poesie. Tutti, sono venuti con la pioggia e con il vento sono andati.
Bob Salmieri ha musicato le poesie, Marwan Samer le ha cantate
e i Milagro Acustico le suonano per non dimenticare.
Che la pace sia con voi.”

“Se tu fossi venuta a trovarmi
Il mio stato ti avrebbe sconvolta.
Vedessi come mi ha ridotto la separazione da te
Un fiume di lacrime si arroventa
Al mio respiro ardente
Tra me e te scorre una corrente infuocata.”

inviata da DoNQuijote82 - 20/10/2013 - 23:49

Lingua: Inglese

Versione inglese dal sito ufficiale
May peace be with you

After 1000 years, God willing, the verses of poets of Arab Sicily, still resonate.
The poems of Ibn Hamdis, Sadus Abd Allah Ibn al Qatta, Abu al Qasim Abd al Rahman, tell us about the suffering of lost love, the anguish for their land invaded by Rum.
Normans, Svevi, Spanish, French, and others occupied Sicily, destroyed mosques, dry wells, but they failed to destroy
the poems.
All of them, have come up with the rain and with the wind are gone. Bob Salmieri put music to the poems, Marwan Samer sang them and Milagro Acustico play not to forget them.
May peace be with you

"If you were coming to see me
My would have been upset.
You should see how I reduced the separation from you
A river of tears is red-hot
At my fiery breath
Between you and me, a current flows on fire

inviata da DonQuijote82 - 20/10/2013 - 23:50

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