
Sunday Bloody Sunday

Chris Byrne
Langue: anglais

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Lyrics and music by Chris Byrne "Seanchaí"
Testo e musica di Chris Byrne "Seanchaí"

Lyrics are available at Chants pour une Irlande libre
Il testo è ripreso da Chants pour une Irlande libre

E con questa siamo a tre canzoni con il medesimo titolo: quella, celeberrima, degli U2 e quella, appena meno celebre, ma pur sempre di John Lennon (e Yoko Ono). Ciononostante, personalmente è quella che preferisco. E per diversi, diversi motivi. Non lo sto a spiegare: leggete il testo.[RV]

Chris Byrne, aka Seanchaí
Chris Byrne, aka Seanchaí
Walking into Rocky Sullivan's, you might expect to find an Irish pub offering pints of Guinness and, if you're even slightly familiar with its reputation, a good political debate. But on Friday nights, the joint is jumping to the only Celtic-influenced hip-hop band on either side of the Atlantic. Seanchai (pronounced shan-a-kee) and the Unity Squad take the stage each week with their mix of hip-hop, rock, reggae, and traditional Irish music. With the in-your-face politics of Northern Ireland and laments about the commercialism of hip-hop, lead rapper and songwriter Chris Byrne meshes these eclectic styles. DJ Flo mixes it up on the turntables, offering the hip-hop backdrop that drives Byrne's slamming rap rhymes. Adding Fenian flavor is David Monaghan on the mandolin, Dublin-born vocalist Rachel Fitzgerald, and Byrne himself on the tin whistle, uilleann pipes, and bodhran. It doesn't take long for the audience to hit the bar's small dancefloor. Byrne began his rapping career with Black 47 and now takes it to a higher level with the Unity Squad. In the tradition of hip-hop, he offers up celebrations of his native Brooklyn in songs like "718 Baby" and "A Sunday at the Turn of the Century." But his politics are never far behind. In "Rebel Hip Hop," he berates the industry's rampant materialism: "Gold chains and clever rhymes/I see chains as somethin' to be broken/Wrap 'em round ya neck, look it, you're chokin'/On the same old thing that keeps the people down/Ya should know by now a real king wears no crown/Versace, Hilfiger, minks, or sable/When I shop for gear, I look for the union label." Though Byrne cites Public Enemy, Grandmaster Flash, KRS-ONE, and 3rd Bass as early influences, he also notes "summers spent in Ireland with no TV," where he listened to the spoken rhythms of storytellers and ballad singers. "I Am Garvaghy Road"&emdash;which blasts the annual English Protestant march through the Irish Catholic enclave&emdash;is perhaps the most distinct blend of those two major influences. The song offers a staunch chorus typical of Irish traditional music

"I am Garvaghy Road/I demand equality/I am Garvaghy Road/There'll be no more walking on me") coupled with free-flowing verses ("Since the state's creation/Ruled by domination/Through intimidation/And humiliation/To cause isolation/To a population/It's an aberration/Not a proper nation"

It proves the band can as easily segue into an Irish reel with uilleann pipes and mandolin as they can a hardcore rap with DJ Flo feeding in Motown, reggae, or early-'80s dance music. Then Fitzgerald takes center stage with a version of the traditional ballad "Field of Anthenrye," which surpasses the conventionally slow-paced rendition. By adding a strong beat compliments of DJ Flo, the crowd favorite allows fans to abandon the old 45-record version of their parents' generation.

From this cache page
Right from the start this here's a rebel song
It's from the heart I wanna tell you 'bout a wrong
Committed by Britain back in the day
Fourteen murdered - they refused to be slaves
To the crown, in Derry town
They wouldn't bow down so they were shot down
A peaceful protest, the turnout was large
So the soldiers decided to show who was in charge
Vexed so they flexed, did what paras can do best
When the smoke had cleared fourteen were laid to rest
No riots, no lootin' to start off the shootin'
People emulated King, not Seal, not Newton
Things forever changed after that afternoon
Brothers started doing what they had to do
On Bloody Sunday

Sunday Bloody Sunday - Still haunted by the cries
Sunday Bloody Sunday - Twenty-five years of lies

How long must we sing this song
Til the government admits that they were wrong
And finally show some decency
Reparation to each family.
Treat our people with some dignity
You know their shit really gets to me
The way they try to deny my history
Twenty-five years on our people getting strong
Thought may hit the Brits that it's time to move on
Order the border to be cast out to sea
Cause that is where it was meant to be
And that would be an appropriate way
To honor those who were slain
On Bloody Sunday

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - 21/8/2006 - 17:11

Langue: français

Versione francese ripresa da Chants pour une Irlande libre
Version française d'après Chants pour une Irlande libre

Dès le début c'est une chanson rebelle
Du fond du coeur je veux vous dire l'injustice
Commise par l'Angleterre ce jour-là
Quatorze assassinés - ils refusaient d'être esclaves
De la couronne, à Derry
Ils n'ont pas courbé l'échine, on les a alors abattus
Une manifestation pacifique, l'assistance était nombreuse
Les soldats ont donc décidé de montrer leur force
Vexés d'avoir à fléchir, les paras ont fait ce qu'ils font le mieux
Quand la fumée s'est dissipée quatorze gisaient à terre
Pas d'émeute, ni de pillage pour motiver les tirs
Les gens imitaient King*, pas Seal, ni Newton
Les choses ont changé à tout jamais aprés cet aprés-midi
Les frères ont commencé à faire ce qu'ils avaient à faire
Ce dimanche sanglant

Dimanche, dimanche sanglant - Encore hanté par les pleurs
Dimanche, dimanche sanglant - Vingt cinq ans de mensonges

Combien de temps faudra-t'il chanter cette chanson
Avant que le gouvernement ne reconnaisse ses torts
Et montre enfin un peu de décence
Reparation pour chaque famille.
Offrez un peu de dignité à notre peuple
Vous savez que leur merde m'atteint
Leur manière d'essayer de me priver de mon histoire
Vingt cinq ans que notre peuple se renforce
Les Anglais pourraient penser qu'il est temps d'avancer
D'ordonner de jeter la frontière à la mer
Car c'est là qu'elle devrait être
Et ça serait la bonne manière
D'honorer ceux qui sont tombés
Ce dimanche sanglant.

* Martin Luther King

Vingt cinq ans : vingt cinq ans plus tard (le 29 janvier 1998, soit 26 ans moins un jour!) une nouvelle enquête a été ordonnée sur les évènements du "dimanche sanglant".
Jusqu'alors, le seul rapport public était celui rédigé par Lord Widgery en onze semaines, qui négligeait de nombreux témoignages, preuves, et analyses, de manière à blanchir les troupes anglaises.

Bloody Sunday - Le dimanche sanglant : Le dimanche 30 janvier 1972, une marche pacifique réunissait 20000 personnes (vingt mille!) à Derry (Londonderry pour les anglais) pour exiger la libération des internés. Le premier bataillon du régiment parachutiste britannique stationné à Derry a ouvert le feu sur la foule, sans provocation ni sommation, tuant quatorze personnes et en blessant plusieurs dizaines.

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - 21/8/2006 - 17:17

Langue: italien

Versione italiana di Kiocciolina

Sin dall'inizio questa qui è una canzone ribelle
Ed è dal cuore che voglio parlarvi di un errore
Commesso dalla Gran Bretagna nei giorni passati
Quattordici assassinati - si rifiutavano di essere schiavi
Della corona, a Derry town
Non si sarebbero prostrati, per questo furono sparati
Una protesta pacifica, la dimostrazione si dimostrò essere enorme
Perciò i soldati decisero di mostrare chi comandava
Irritati così si piegarono, fecero ciò che i paramilitari riescono a fare meglio
Quando il fumo si diramò, quattordici giacevano a terra
Nessun disordine, nessun saccheggio che potesse giustificare l'inizio degli spari
La gente imitava Martin Luther King, non Seal, non Newton
Le cose cambiarono per sempre dopo quel pomeriggio
I fratelli cominciarono a fare quello che dovevano fare
Nella Sanguinosa Domenica

Domenica, Sanguinosa Domenica - Ancora infestata dai pianti
Domenica, Sanguinosa Domenica - venticinque anni di menzogne

Per quanto tempo ancora dovremo cantare questa canzone?
Fino a che il governo non ammetterà che avevano torto
E finalmente mostrerà un po' di decenza
Risarcimento per ogni famiglia.
Trattate la nostra gente con dignità
Sapete che la loro merda mi colpisce veramente
Il modo in cui tentano di negare la mia storia
Venticinque anni dopo, la nostra gente è diventata più forte
Agli Inglesi potrebbe venire in mente che è tempo di avanzare
Ordinate che il confine sia gettato fuori verso il mare
Perché è lì che doveva essere
E questo sarebbe un modo appropriato
Per onorare per onorare coloro che furono uccisi
Nella Sanguinosa Domenica

envoyé par Kiocciolina - 7/5/2007 - 05:22

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