
When the Gun Goes Down

Lingua: Inglese


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Down, down, down, ohoho - when the gun goes
Down, down, down, ohoho - when the gun goes
Down, down, down, ohoho - when the gun goes
Down, down - down, down.

Been thinking about this thing since way back in sixty-nine,
trying to get a pitch on it, crying to get a line
all I really wanna see are the lights in Belfast Town
when the gun goes down.

Time to feel with our hearts, think with our heads,
time to bury differences, instead of burying dead
time to put our hands together, in big old Belfast Town,
when the gun goes down.

When the gun goes down, spirits rise
skylarks sing of sinking a clear blue sky
shadows lift and the sun wears a crown,
when the gun goes down.

Maybe we can end up more than just good friends,
been thru a lot of bad old times, sometimes thought they'd never end
time to put our hearts together, in big old Belfast Town,
when the gun goes down.

When the gun goes down, spirits rise
skylarks sing of sinking a clear blue sky
shadows lift and the sun wears a smile,
when the gun goes down.

Call me romantic, call me a clown,
listen to your own still voice, before you put me down
whoever said romance was dead, never been to Belfast Town
watch the gun going down.

When the gun goes,
Down, down, down, ohoho - when the gun goes
Down, down, down, ohoho - when the gun goes
Down, down, down, ohoho - when the gun goes

Down, down - down, down ( repeat as much as you want )

inviata da DonQuijote82 - 9/9/2013 - 23:38

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