

Harvey Andrews
Langue: anglais

Harvey Andrews

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Parole e musica di Harvey Andrews
Nell’album intitolato “Spring Again”‎

springagain hycd200140

Canzone sulla Germania dopo il 1989, dopo il comunismo, dopo la caduta del Muro… Dopo, per ‎molti tedeschi dell’est, cadde però anche la speranza o l’illusione che Occidente e società capitalista ‎fossero sinonimi di Libertà: “Libertà non è mai ciò che appare. Quello di cui tutti abbiamo ‎bisogno è Liberazione”

"Ku’damm" è l'abbreviazione con cui è noto il Kurfürstendamm , viale di Berlino che fin dagli anni 30 è stato il cuore commerciale della città...
He saw them coming through the Berlin Wall
And there were tears in his eyes
He'd never thought he'd see that concrete fall
He felt their joy and their surprise
He saw them walking past the border guard
He saw them wonder at their gain
But deep inside he knew that every yard
They walked towards another pain
That needed liberation

He saw them in the Ku’damm shop and store
With freedom money in their hands
Soon it was gone but still they wanted more
To take back to their Motherland
He saw her move towards a pair of jeans
He saw him move towards a bar
But as they neither of them had the means
He knew they'd travelled much too far
Away from liberation

He'd been on the treadmill every day
He'd been the model employee
He'd built the miracle, but now he'd say
Where is the miracle for me?
He owed the bank, he owed the corner store
He owed the college, owed the town
Since shaking hands they'd showed him to the door
And then they'd closed his office down
And called it liberation

He saw them coming through the Berlin Wall
And there were tears in his eyes
He'd never thought he'd see that concrete fall
He felt their joy and their surprise
But as they came to roll those stones away
With all their hopes and all their dreams
He knew that day was not the time to say
Freedom is never what it seems
We all need liberation

envoyé par Bernart - 28/8/2013 - 15:15

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