
Such a War Has Never Been

Martin Carthy
Lingua: Inglese

Martin Carthy

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Musica di Martin Carthy
Nell’album di Carthy intitolato “Skin + Bone”, con Dave Swarbrick dei Fairport ‎Convention

Skin + Bone

“Come se una guerra del genere non fosse mai avvenuta per davvero”
Una canzone sulla prima guerra del Golfo, la prima guerra mediatica della Storia, combattuta (?!?) ‎con un occhio – quando non entrambi – all’audience e alle esigenze del “prime time” televisivo, ‎quella in cui la casta militare e la sua grancassa giornalistica sdoganarono aberranti espressioni ‎come “bombe intelligenti” e “guerra chirurgica”…‎

I fight the force of evil
I'm the cowboy dressed in white
My colt is my computer
And my eyes see at night

I made the new world order
For I have the world's support
To see the sinner never wins
To see the tyrant will be taught

I am killer with precision
With computer and with screen
To give the world a cleaner war
A purer war than any seen

Incinerate the spider
Leave untouched the web of lace
See the shadow of a dollar
From a satellite in space

Put a missile down an airshaft
Make a film as I go in
Show the world the care I took
Such a war has never been

I don't need to kill civilians
With the F15 and Stealth;
Advertised on your TV I'm
Sensitivity itself

Just the aircraft on the ground
Just the hangars we put in
Just tanks and the supply lines
Such a war has never been

Just a game on my computer
See the screen move with my head
Pick out the cowboy dressed up all in black
Push a button and he's dead

I can pinpoint to a pixel
Half a million in retreat
Identify the threat
And I can turn it to roast meat

Military targets
There were no dying cries
Just the smoke from burning soldiers
Getting in the widows' eyes

I make the new world order
For I have the world's support
To see the sinner never wins
To see the tyrant will be taught

Killer with precision
With computer and with screen,
To give the world a cleaner war
A purer war than any seen

inviata da Bernart - 14/8/2013 - 15:39

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