Forward Joe Soap's army,
marching without fear,
With our old commander,
safely in the rear.
He boasts and skites
from morn till night,
And thinks he's very brave,
But the men who really did the job
are dead and in their grave.
Forward Joe Soaps army,
marching without fear,
With our old commander,
safely in the rear.
marching without fear,
With our old commander,
safely in the rear.
He boasts and skites
from morn till night,
And thinks he's very brave,
But the men who really did the job
are dead and in their grave.
Forward Joe Soaps army,
marching without fear,
With our old commander,
safely in the rear.
envoyé par Bernart - 29/7/2013 - 13:38
Testo trovato su WW1 Music Index
Sulla melodia dell’inno religioso ottocentesco “Onward, Christian Soldiers”, quello dell’Esercito della Salvezza, per intenderci.
“Joe Soap” è un nomignolo che in “brit slang” indica persona stupida che viene costantemente usata come burattino nella mani di qualcun altro, come subordinato in balìa dei superiori gerarchici, come capro espiatorio e forse anche, nel caso di questa canzone, come carne da macello…
La canzone fu ripresa da Charles Chilton per il suo musical "Oh, What a Lovely War!" del 1963.