
Aragon Mill

Si Kahn
Langue: anglais

Si Kahn

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Nell’album intitolato “New Wood”‎
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Le Tessiture Aragon furono costruite nel 1898 nella cittadina di Aragon, Polk County, Georgia.‎
I telai funzionarono fino al 1970, poi la fabbrica chiuse e la vita ad Aragon terminò.‎
Gli antichi edifici hanno poi ospitato diverse altre attività imprenditoriali, tutte di scarsa durata e ‎successo. Chiusa per tutti gli anni 90, l’Aragon Mill è stata completamente distrutta da un incendio ‎nel 2002. (en.wikipedia)‎

At the east end of town, at the foot of the hill
Stands a chimney so tall that says "Aragon Mill."
But there's no smoke at all coming out of the stack.
The mill has shut down and it ain't a-coming back.‎

And the only tune I hear,
Is the sound of the wind,
As it blows through the town,
Weave and spin, weave and spin

Well, I'm too old to work, and I'm too young to die.
Tell me, where shall we go, My old gal and I?
There's no children at all in the narrow empty street.
The mill has closed down; it's so quiet I can't sleep.‎

And the only tune I hear,
Is the sound of the wind,
As it blows through the town,
Weave and spin, weave and spin

Yes, the mill has shut down; it's the only life I know
Tell me, where will I go, Tell me, where will I go?
And the only tune I hear, is the sound of the wind
As it blows through the town,
Weave and spin, weave and spin.‎

And the only tune I hear,
Is the sound of the wind,
As it blows through the town,
Weave and spin, weave and spin

envoyé par Bernart - 19/7/2013 - 13:42

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