
Beautiful World

Across The Border
Language: English

Across The Border

Related Songs

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1992 ATB
1994 Hag Songs

across the border - Hag songs (ristampa)
across the border - Hag songs (ristampa)

across the border - Hag songs (originale)
across the border - Hag songs (originale)
War, revolution and pain, atomic fear
The world breaks down,
No one cares, no one hears
Oceans full of shit and the rain forest dies
We close our eyes
When hundred children cry

War, revolution, pain, atomic fear

It's a beautiful world, take a look how nice
It's a beautiful world, just believe their lies
It's a beautiful world, take a look how nice
A time-bomb in disguise

Black oil, dead birds are rotting in the sand
And nuclear weapons all over this land
Acid rain, poisened clouds,
It's now the fucking truth
And this beautiful world
As a present for the youth

Contributed by DoNQuijote82 - 2013/7/18 - 19:29

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