
When All the Laughter Dies in Sorrow

Lingua: Inglese


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Chicago III

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Chicago III‎

When all the laughter dies in sorrow
And the tears have risen to a flood
When all the wars have found a cause
In human wisdom and in blood
Do you think they’ll cry in sadness?
Do you think the eye will blink?
Do you think they’ll curse the madness?
Do you even think they’ll think?‎

When all the great galactic systems
Sigh to a frozen halt in space
Do you think there will be some remnant
Of beauty of the human race?
Do you think there will be a vestage
Or a sniffle or a cosmic tear?
Do you think a greater thinking thing
Will give a damn that man was here?

inviata da Bernart - 15/7/2013 - 10:47

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