
Silent No Longer

Emma's Revolution
Language: English

Emma's Revolution

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‎[2005] ‎
Scritta da Sandy O e Pat Humphries
Nel disco intitolato “Roots, Rock & Revolution” pubblicato nel 2007‎


Birmania, Burma, Myanmar… mica solo riso, ma anche oppio, legname pregiato e soprattutto ‎petrolio e gas naturale, di cui la Birmania ha il più grande quantitativo di tutto il sud-est asiatico… ‎Sarà per questo che in quella regione la democrazia non ha mai avuto vita facile, specie dagli anni ‎‎80 in qua, e sarà per questo che pure la leader dell’opposizione ‎‎Aung San Suu Kyi oggi siede ‎accanto ai generali che l’hanno sequestrata per anni…‎

We moved in silence with our children
And the little we could carry
Forced at gunpoint from our village
By the oil man's military
We worked in silence on the pipeline
Could not speak for fear of beating
Then one man in all of Burma
Heard our words and gave the meaning

Silent no longer

I walked in silence through the jungle
Knowing they will try to catch me
Try to stop me as a I travel
With the stories of my country
Names and ages, dates and places
All the bodies, all the faces
Burned and tortured, raped and murdered
Once in secret, now uncovered
Silent no longer

She crossed in silence past the border
English teacher and a lawyer
With the knowledge she could help us
Bringing love and love of justice
For the forest, sea and river
For the rhino and the tiger
For my self, my friends, my family
For my village and my country
Silent no longer

No more danger, no more torture
No more landmines, no more violence
No more soldiers, no more oil men
No more pipelines, no more silence
Silent no longer

We have our strength
We have our voice
We have our love
We have the truth

Contributed by Bernart - 2013/7/5 - 10:23

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