
San Franciscan Nights

The Animals
Langue: anglais

The Animals

Liste des versions

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Invitation to the White House
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We Gotta Get Out of This Place
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Il 1967 è stato l'anno della "Summer of Love," e San Francisco era il centro della cultura hippy. Insieme "San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair)," "San Franciscan Nights" è un inno alla città californiana in quei tempi movimentati.

summer of love

Gli Animals erano inglesi, ma sull'onda della British Invasion divennero famosi anche negli Stati Uniti. La canzone prende posizione contro la guerra nel Vietnam (citando apertamente Where Have all the Flowers Gone). In un'intervista del 2010 Eric Burdon ha detto: "La 'generazione peace and love' ha aiutato il movimento contro la guerra negli Stati Uniti. Sicuramente ha fatto cambiare idea a molti soldati, facendoli riflettere sul perché dovessero andare a combattere una guerra in un paese lontano mentre a casa le loro ragazze se la spassavano..."
This following program is dedicated to the City and people of San Francisco, who may not know it, but they are beautiful, and so is their city. This is a very personal song, so if the viewer cannot understand it, particularly those of you who are our European residents, save up all your bread and fly Trans World Airways to San Francisco, USA. Then, maybe you'll understand the song. It will be worth it. If not for the sake of this song, but for the sake of your own piece of mind.

Strobe light's beam, creates dreams
Walls move, minds do too
On a warm San Franciscan night

Old child, young child
Feel all right
On a warm San Franciscan night

Angels sing, leather wings
Jeans of blue, Harley Davidson's too
On a warm San Franciscan night

Old angel, young angel
Feel all right
On a warm San Franciscan night

I wasn't born there
Perhaps I'll die there
There's no place left to go
San Francisco

Cop's face, is filled, with hate
Heavens above
He's on a street, called "Love"
When will they ever learn?

Old cop, young cop
Feel all right
On a warm San Franciscan night

The children are cool
They don't raise fools
It's an American dream
Includes Indians too

15/6/2013 - 23:54

la più bella canzone della mia vita, fatta con 4 note in "croce", capolavoro.

zani fabio - 13/10/2013 - 23:30

Bella, ma le notti di San Francisco sono tutt'altro che warm...

Lorenzo - 14/10/2013 - 04:13

atmosfera magica

10/9/2017 - 03:10

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