
It Takes A Guy Like Bush...

Ryan Harvey
Lingua: Inglese

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What kind of leader's needed to keep this all intact?
Who'd loot social security but cut a little tax
While half the country's schools are digging through the trash
Who sat and read a children's book while Tower 2 collapsed
And then took 9/11 and spun it on Iraq
When 15 Saudis we're involved in the attack
It takes a guy like Bush to do a thing like that...

Who instead of giving cash to vets who served in combat
Gives Bechtel and Halliburton open-ended contracts
Who sent these teenage soldiers fighting all over the map
And then as they were finished sends them right back
Who caught Saddam Hussein but left the Taliban intact
While his old friend Bin Laden somehow slipped through the trap
It takes a guy like Bush to do a thing like that...

How could someone get away with this without a public snap?
If you wanna know all youve gotta do is look a bit back
1981 we were funding Iraq
While selling weapons to Iran and using all the cash
To train Death Squads in Nicaragua and sell South Central crack
Who now has arms deals with Colombia then says to boycott France
It takes a guy like Bush to do a thing like that...

Now let's suppose the companies we're nervous perhaps
When 50,000 people in Seattle lit a match
That sent the bankers fleeing like a pack of shaved rats
When all they really wanted was to wided that gap
Between the rich the poor and the shrinking middle class
Now who's the best candidate to get them back on track?
It takes a guy like Bush to do a thing like that...

Now who could have us thinking that the he's the one at bat
That's he's the problem's source when he's a puppy in their lap
Who's stupid and absurd enough that we ignore the past
Who could serve a perfect decoy and carry out each task
To protect the real players beyond the bearucrats:
The global corporate predators who hide behind the mask?
It takes a guy like Bush to do a thing like that...

inviata da adriana - 17/8/2006 - 13:26

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