
There Goes the Neighborhood

Body Count
Lingua: Inglese

Body Count

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Scritta dall’immarcescibile Ice-T
In “Body Count” (1992), controverso album d’esordio di questa band di negroni dediti allo speed-‎trash-rap-nu-metal (e chi più ne ha, più ne metta)‎

Body Count

Bernart prosegue nella sua provocazione metallara e propone questo splendido brano che parla del ‎razzismo nel mondo musicale. “There goes the neighborhood” è una frase idiomatica che potrebbe ‎tradursi “Ecco che sono arrivati questi a rovinare la pace del vicinato”...
There goes the neighborhood.

Here come them fuckin' niggas
with their fancy cars.
Who gave them fuckin' niggas
those rock guitars?
Who let 'em in the club?
Did you make 'em pay?
Who let 'em on the stage?
Whose lettin' 'em play?

Don't they know rock's just for whites
don't they know the rules?
Those niggers are too hard core
this shit ain't cool.
Those blacks want everything
in the fuckin' world
That nigga plays so good
he took my muthafuckin' girl
there goes the neighborhood.

There goes the neighborhoooooood,
There goes the neighborhood,
There goes the neighborhood
There goes the neighborhood.

Da, Da, Da, Da, Da

We're here,
We ain't goin' nowhere.
We're movin' right next door to you,
Body Count, muthafucka.
And those of you that don't like it
can suck, my muthafuckin' dick, ha, ha, ha, ha.

There goes the neighborhood!
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha
There goes the neighborhood!
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha
There goes the neightborhoooooood!
There goes the neighborhood!
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha
There goes the neighborhood!

Here come them fuckin' niggas
with their fancy cars.
Who gave them fuckin' niggas
those rock guitars?
Who let 'em in the club?
Did you make 'em pay?
Who let 'em on the stage?
Whose lettin' 'em play?
Don't they know rock's just for whites
Don't they know the rules?
Those niggas are too hard core
this shit ain't cool.
Those blacks want everything in the fuckin' world.
That nigga plays so good,
he took my muthafuckin' girl.
There goes the neighborhood
There, there, there, there goes the neighborhood. ‎

inviata da Bernart - 4/6/2013 - 12:10

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