
Voice From Gaza

Sisi Selatan
Lingua: Inglese

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A Song For Gaza
(Thomas Easaw)
Il soldato che sognava
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Oh Palestine, Oh Palestine
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Lyrics & Music by Ronald Yan Saputra
Album: Premature System Of A Country


Horrors in Gaza





1251840993-5-months-after-the-bombs-fell-gaza-still-in-shambles131760 131760

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Blind you all to watch anything
was happen in Gaza
Deaf you all to hear all
crying and screaming
Would you let everything
Repression in Gaza…
screaming, ..crying ..
A lot of dead bodies

Stop your fire !
Stop the bomb down !
Let we breath in peace
'cuz because this is our land
Stop your fire !
Stop your bomb down !
Let we leave in peace
'cuz because this is our land

Please give me your hands
We here dying to live
Help me, me....ow…..
Kids lose their parents
People lose... everything..

Stop your fire
Stop the bomb down
Let we breath in peace
'cuz because this is our land
Stop your fire
Stop your bomb down……..
Let we leave in peace
'cuz because this is our land

Let we leave in peace
'cuz, because this is our land

'cuz all hope war is over
War is over…War is over...

inviata da giorgio - 26/5/2013 - 15:02

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