
Israeli Kafkaesque

Eval Herz
Langue: anglais

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Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff


Acoustic guitar & vox...
A song written in response to Israel's latest illegal war on the population of Gaza.
Palestine is now the 194th state as the UN overwhelmingly voted for their recognition.

Yours truly, Eval Herz, is a Jewish American. I wrote this song in response to the illegal Israeli siege of Gaza happening now, and especially the Kafkaesque "justification" Israel pushes on the hearts and minds of the world via their extraordinary propaganda power and their unjust influence with the USA. The USA supplies Israel with money to buy the USA's weapons, including "predator drones", and the USA uses its power via executive seat on the UN Security Council to condone Israel's doing to the Palestinians exactly what the Nazis did to us in Europe in the 1930s and 40s.

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A ceasefire is not enough, Israel has committed these war crimes too many times, it is genocide what they are doing, and it must stop or Israel must be stopped! Support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and stop Israel's terrorism and bloodshed in Gaza!
First I hit you in the face
then you hit me back..
Then I abominate you
For your attack
Everyone will support me
because they will only see
You hitting me
And me hitting back.
Then even all authorities
International community
They will all reluctantly have my back
They'll give me all the guns
and the bombs that I need
with that I will rob you and
have no shame with my greed
I will bulldoze your home and
make your family bleed
I will take whatever land
that you would never cede..

Well Hello my name is Israel
And I think that I am God
I control the content of the news
you read on your iPod
The world will only see my side
Even when it is obviously flawed
But it only takes a conscience
and they can see right through my facade...

Now that I've built up audacity
I can hit you again and again
And every time I do this deed
I can claim it was in self-defense
And every time after I hit you
I'll say you're a criminal...
While on the graves of both
our ancestors I'll have a festival

Never mind your freedoms
Never mind your human rights
I work for the USA
and they'll always pay for a fight
I can still lie and say it's defence
Even though you're almost dead
Because most of the Americans believe
All the bullshit that they're fed

Well Hello my name is Israel
And I think that I am GOD
I control the content of the news
you read on your iPod
The world will only see my side
even when it is obviously flawed
But it only takes a conscience and
They can see right through my facade...

Since '48 I've abused you made you
like my abusers made me
So I can always accuse you
of being the very same thing..
I can always defend my actions
Even when everyone says I'm wrong
Thanks to my alliance with the U.S.A.
Because they invented the bomb
If it took the world to stop me you know
It would already be done
-I know I'm the one who can stop this but
I'm in love with my gun
If the USA were to cut me off
And I had no more cash
Then you free Palestinians
could rise up and kick my ass!

Well, Hello my name is Israel
and I think that I am God
I control the content of the news
you read on your iPod
The world will only see my side
Even when it is obviously flawed
But it only takes a conscience and
They can see right through my facade...

envoyé par giorgio - 26/5/2013 - 09:35

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