
The W.T.O.

Seize The Day
Lingua: Inglese

Seize The Day

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Hey hey ho ho the WTO has got to go. There ain't no power like the power of people
'Cos the power of the people don't stop.

Seattle 1999 the WTO met to make it easier
To borrow from tomorrow.
So the people faced an army
And the people's voice was strong.
We will not support a system
Making money from what is wrong.

Whose world - our world,
Whose streets - our streets,
Whose life - our life.
Hey hey ho ho the WTO has got to go.
We faced to face their soldiers
With tear gas in our eyes,
Democracy was dying and
The people realised,
The multinational ruling class - the WTO,
Conspiring against us?
Well now they have to go.

This is what democracy looks like.
No justice, no peace. NO justice.

As the world keeps turning
More power to our hands,
We've got to find community,
It's time to make a stand,
The farmers, the unions,
Earth First and First Nation,
Seattle showed the world that
We're a force for celebration.

Hey hey ho ho the WTO has got to go.
The power of the people is here to stay.
There ain't no power
Like the power of people
'Cos the power of the people don't stop.

inviata da adriana - 27/4/2013 - 11:23

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