
Where Do I Go

Hair (Musical)
Langue: anglais

Hair (Musical)

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Where do I go, del musical Hair, è una triste canzone cantata da Claude Bukowsky mentre va ad arruolarsi. Esprime quindi l'angoscia e la paura di un ragazzo costretto a partire per una guerra la cui "La chiamata alle armi significa che dei bianchi di pelle mandano dei neri di pelle a fare la guerra contro dei gialli di pelle, per difendere la terra che loro hanno rubato a dei rossi di pelle".
Where do I go
Follow the river
Where do I go
Follow the gulls

Where is the something
Where is the someone
That tells me why I live and die

Where do I go
Follow the children
Where do I go
Follow their smiles

Is there an answer
In their sweet faces
That tells me why I live and die

Follow the wind song
Follow the thunder
Follow the neon in young lovers' eyes

Down to the gutter
Up to the glitter
Into the city
Where the truth lies

Where do I go
Follow my heartbeat
Where do I go
Follow my hand

Where will they lead me
And will I ever
Discover why I live and die

Why do I live (beads, flowers)
Why do I die (freedom, happiness)
Tell my why (beads, flowers)
Tell me where (freedom, happiness)
Tell my why (beads, flowers)
Tell me why (freedom!)

envoyé par Elisa - 17/4/2013 - 11:41

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