

Gilberto Gil
Language: Portuguese

Gilberto Gil

List of versions

Related Songs

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Scritta da Gilberto Gil e João Augusto (?)‎
Singolo poi incluso nell’album “Louvação” dell’anno seguente.‎


Una canzone molto esplicita contro ricchi e potenti, contro la classe dirigente di allora che aveva ‎invocato ed appoggiato la dittatura militare. ‎
Non per nulla, qualche anno dopo, Gilberto Gil e l’amico Caetano Veloso furono presi, ‎imprigionati e poi liberati dopo aver promesso che avrebbero lasciato il Brasile… E’ un po’ come se ‎in Gran Bretagna avessero arrestato John Lennon e Paul McCartney e li avessero ‎costretti ad andare in esilio (e in effetti a Lennon una cosa simile rischiò di capitare negli USA nel ‎‎1972)…‎

Meu povo, preste atenção
Na roda que eu te fiz
Quero mostrar a quem vem
Aquilo que o povo diz
Posso falar, pois eu sei
Eu tiro os outros por mim
Quando almoço, não janto
E quando canto é assim

Agora vou divertir
Agora vou começar
Quero ver quem vai sair
Quero ver quem vai ficar
Não é obrigado a me ouvir
Quem não quiser escutar

Quem tem dinheiro no mundo
Quanto mais tem, quer ganhar
E a gente que não tem nada
Fica pior do que está
Seu moço, tenha vergonha
Acabe a descaração
Deixe o dinheiro do pobre
E roube outro ladrão

Agora vou divertir
Agora vou prosseguir
Quero ver quem vai ficar
Quero ver quem vai sair
Não é obrigado a escutar
Quem não quiser me ouvir

Se morre o rico e o pobre
Enterre o rico e eu
Quero ver quem que separa
O pó do rico do meu
Se lá embaixo há igualdade
Aqui em cima há de haver
Quem quer ser mais do que é
Um dia há de sofrer

Agora vou divertir
Agora vou prosseguir
Quero ver quem vai ficar
Quero ver quem vai sair
Não é obrigado a escutar
Quem não quiser me ouvir

Seu moço, tenha cuidado
Com sua exploração
Se não lhe dou de presente
A sua cova no chão
Quero ver quem vai dizer
Quero ver quem vai mentir
Quero ver quem vai negar
Aquilo que eu disse aqui

Agora vou divertir
Agora vou terminar
Quero ver quem vai sair
Quero ver quem vai ficar
Não é obrigado a me ouvir
Quem não quiser escutar

Agora vou terminar
Agora vou discorrer
Quem sabe tudo e diz logo
Fica sem nada a dizer
Quero ver quem vai voltar
Quero ver quem vai fugir
Quero ver quem vai ficar
Quero ver quem vai trair

Por isso eu fecho essa roda
A roda que eu te fiz
A roda que é do povo
Onde se diz o que diz

Contributed by Bernart - 2013/3/28 - 16:14

Language: French

Traduzione francese da La Coccinelle

Mon peuple, prête attention
Dans la ronde que je t'ai faite
Je veux montrer à qui vient
Cela que le peuple dit
Je peux parler, puisque je sais
Je tire les autres à moi
Quand je déjeune, je ne dîne pas
Et quand je chante c'est comme ça

Maintenant je vais divertir
Maintenant je vais commençer
Je veux voir qui va sortir
Je veux voir qui va rester
Ce n'est pas obligé de m'entendre
Qui ne veut pas écouter

Ceuw qui ont de l'argent dans le monde
Plus ils en ont, plus ils veulent en gagner
Et nous qui n'avons rien
Devennons pire que ce que nous sommes
Monsieur, ayez honte
Arrêtez la mascarade
Laissez l'argent du pauvre
Et volez un autre voleur

Maintenant je vais divertir
Maintenant je vais processer
Je veux voir qui va rester
Je veux voir qui va sortir
Ce n'est pas obligé de m'écouter
Qui ne voudrait pas m'écouter

Si le riche et le pauvre meurent
On enterre le riche et moi
Je veux voir qui sépare
La poussière du riche de la mienne
Si là en bas il y a égalité
Ici en haut il doit y avoir
Qui veut être plus que ce qu'il est
Un jour devra souffrir

Maintenant je vais divertir
Maintenant je vais processer
Je veux voir qui va rester
Je veux voir qui va sortir
Ce n'est pas obligé de m'écouter
Qui ne veux pas m'écouter

Monsieur, faites attention
Avec votre exploitation
Si je ne vous la donne pas en cadeau
Votre tombe par terre
Je veux voir qui va dire
Je veux voir qui va mentir
Je veux voir qui va nier
Ce que je viens de dire

Maintenant je vais divertir
Maintenant je vais finir
Je veux voir qui va sortir
Je veux voir qui va rester
Ce n'est pas obligé de m'entendre
Ceux qui ne voudraient pas m'écouter

Maintenant je vais terminer
Maintenant je vais courir ça et là
Qui sait tout le dit tout de suite
Ou reste sans rien à dire
Je veux voir qui va revenir
Je veux voir qui va fuir
Je veux voir qui va rester
Je veux voir qui va traïr

Pour cela je ferme cette ronde
La ronde que je t'ai faite
La ronde qui est du peuple
Où il se dit ce qui se dit
Où il se dit ce qui se dit‎

Contributed by Bernart - 2013/3/28 - 16:23

Language: English

I have spent some time creating an English translation of this lovely song as I felt many of the translations I had found elsewhere were of poor quality.

I will include a few translation notes below because the lyrics include a few bits of informal language that do not translate perfectly into English (a big thank you to my coworker Jaqueline from Brazil for helping me with some of those).

My people, pay attention
In the circle that I’ve made of you
I want to show whoever comes
What the people have to say
I can speak because I know
I'll draw the people around me
When I have lunch, I don’t eat
And when I sing here’s how:

Now I'm going to have some fun
Now I'm going to get started
I want to see who will leave
I want to see who will stay
You don’t have to hear me
If you don’t want to listen

Whoever has money in the world
The more you have, the more you want
And for people who have nothing
It only ever gets worse
My man [2], be ashamed
Stop your disgrace [3]
Leave the poor their money
And rob another thief

Now I'm going to have some fun
Now I’m going to continue
I want to see who will stay
I want to see who will leave
You don’t have to listen
If you don’t want to hear me

If a rich man and a poor man die
Bury the rich man and me
I want to see who can separate
The dust of the rich man from mine
If there is equality down there
Then there must be up here
Whoever wants to be more than they are
Will suffer at the end of the day [4]

Now I'm going to have some fun
Now I’m going to continue
I want to see who will stay
I want to see who will leave
You don’t have to listen
If you don’t want to hear me

My man, be careful
With your exploitation
If not, I will put you
In your grave
I want to see who will speak
I want to see who will lie
I want to see who will deny
What I said here

Now I'm going to have some fun
Now I’m going to finish
I want to see who will leave
I want to see who will stay
You don’t have to hear me
If you don’t want to listen

Now I’m going to finish
Now I'm going to elaborate
Whoever knows everything had better say it now
Or just sit there and be quiet
I want to see who will come back
I want to see who will run away
I want to see who will stay
I want to see who will betray

With that I close this circle
The circle that I made of you
The circle that is of the people
Where they say what they say
[1] The title of the song, “Roda,” is a word normally translated into English as “Wheel,” but saying “a wheel of people” doesn’t really make sense in English the way it does in Portuguese. Therefore, I feel “Circle” is a more appropriate translation here.

[2] “Seu moço” is a very interesting informal phrase that has pretty much no English equivalent, and I struggled quite a bit with how to translate it. The two component words are as follows: “Seu” which is the informal version of “Sr.” meaning “Mr.” and “moço” meaning “young man.” Taken together, it is an extremely informal way to address someone in Portuguese. The problem we run into with translating this phrase to English is that there is no informal way to say “Mr.” and saying something like “Mr. young man” sounds like nonsense in English. I have seen various English translations that interpret this phrase as simply “sir” or “young man,” but I feel these are too formal-sounding. “My man” is by no means a perfect translation of “Seu moço,” but I think it is more appropriate as it preserves the informality of the address in English, which is crucial to the meaning of the lyric.

[3] “Descaração” is a bit of informal language with the literal meaning “shamelessness.” This was another tricky one as it’s a word that doesn’t show up in the dictionary. Unfortunately, I do not think it is possible to capture the informality of this word in English as I attempted to do with “seu moço.” We do have informal ways of telling people to “stop their shamelessness” in English but they are typically much more vulgar than what “Acabe a descaração” implies. Therefore, the only change I have made is swapping in the word “disgrace,” because I feel the word “shamelessness” is very clunky-sounding in English.

[4] There are a few other phrases where I have subbed in a close English equivalent rather than a direct translation. For instance, rather than translating “Um dia há de sofrer” literally as “one day will suffer,” I have instead chosen “will suffer at the end of the day,” which means basically the same thing and is far more commonly said among English speakers.

Contributed by Tom Harper - 2019/3/20 - 18:58

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