

Language: English


List of versions

Related Songs

Road To Joy
(Bright Eyes)
Von Maur Massacre

Scritta da Conor Oberst, frontman degli Bright Eyes, qui in uno dei suoi progetti musicali ‎paralleli.‎


Brano dedicato al collettivo hacker Anonymous, “libera coalizione degli abitanti di Internet” che ‎organizza proteste ed attacchi telematici “politici” contro siti di governi, istituzioni e anche singoli ‎individui.‎

Can’t live today off that minimum wage unless you sleep on the factory floor
If there is anything great left in this sorry state it was built on the backs of the poor
So we buy and we sell for your corporate cartel and we vote when the contestant sings
A mind-control mix for our obedience, strong sleep-aids and hard energy drinks
Cause Freedom is not free
Neither is apathy
‎ ‎
‎“Slay Goliath! Slay Goliath!”
The flashmob all held up their phones
But you cannot predict when the students riot
And a big machine always moves slow
So throw your little stone
‎ ‎
You can’t stop us
We are Anonymous
You can’t stop us
We are Anonymous
Expect us
We know what all of us know
‎ ‎
You can’t stop us
We are Anonymous
You can’t stop us
We are Anonymous
Expect us
We know what all of us know
‎ ‎
A half-dozen cops came to seize a laptop from a sleeping fifteen year old kid
They broke down the door and discovered some more, a hundred million exactly like him
So we do not forgive and we do not forget, we are legion, expect us, you’ll see
The righteous will resist, underfed eat the rich and the data mines finally come clean
Cause Freedom is not free
And neither is secrecy
‎ ‎
You can’t stop us
We are Anonymous
You can’t stop us
We are Anonymous
Expect us
We know what all of us know
‎ ‎
You can’t stop us
We are Anonymous
You can’t stop us
We are Anonymous
Expect us
We know what all of us know
‎ ‎
We know what Big Brother did
We’re the Tattletale
We’ll see your All-Seeing-Eye in hell

Contributed by Dead End - 2013/3/20 - 17:53

Our Internet Surveillance State - ossia come siamo tutti controllati e tracciabili. Un articolo che spiega molto bene come e perché i governi e le compagnie private lo fanno.

Di almeno una cosa però potete sicuri: "Canzoni contro la guerra" e tutti i siti ospitati su non loggano i vostri IP e non incrociano i vostri dati. E anche per questo non troverete mai su queste pagine il bottoncino "condividi su facebook".

Lorenzo - 2013/6/17 - 23:56

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