
The Deserter

Tom Cuneo
Lingua: Inglese

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Lyrics & Music by Tommaso Cuneo
Album: An Age Thing

Testo e Musica di Tommaso Cuneo
Album: An Age Thing

Have you got a smoke?
Could I ask you for a roll up?
Could I ask you for a lighter?
I am sleepin' here
Main Square for diner
pub leftovers for lunch..

Rome is beautiful
But my country is better
For the colours and strength
The magic of the east
I would not remain there
But I cannot come back

Because I have been injured..
and I have injured,
Because I have been injured,
and I have injured,
For all this I'm a deserter..

I will rise again
From the colours of vandals
Parking areas of boxes
I want peace for this greedy world
Not just struggling and deads

Because I have been injured..
And I have injured,
Because I have been injured,
and I have injured..

Because I have been injured..
and I have injured..
'cause I have been injured,
and I have injured,
for all this..

inviata da giorgio - 24/2/2013 - 12:21

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