
Leave My Monkey Alone

Warren Zevon
Lingua: Inglese

Warren Zevon

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Parole e musica di Warren Zevon
Album “Sentimental Hygiene”‎


L’acronimo dello slogan introduttivo, in lingua Swahili, è MAU MAU e così vennero chiamati i ‎ribelli kikuyu che in Kenya tra il 1952 and 1960 diedero del filo da torcere ai colonialisti inglesi… ‎Furono sconfitti e massacrati (si parla di 12.000 / 20.000 morti, contro i 200 delle forze speciali ‎britanniche) ma la loro insurrezione contribuì significativamente al raggiungimento ‎dell’indipendenza del paese nel 1963.‎

‎"Mzungu Aende Ulaya, Mwafrika Apate Uhuru"
[Let the foreigner go back abroad, let the African regain independence]

Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone

Down in Kenya where the Masai roam
And the grass grows tall on the veldt
In our old colonial home
We drank our bitters while the empire fell

Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone

One day the Mau Mau came
All we had was lost
In our old colonial home
Under the Southern Cross

Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone

Down in Kenya where the Masai roam
And the grass grows tall on the veldt
In our old colonial home
We drank our bitters while the empire fell

Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone

The Mau Mau came in '52
The sun went down and we drew the drapes
In our old colonial home
We hid behind the Mau Mau gates

Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone
Leave my monkey alone

inviata da Dead End - 17/1/2013 - 16:53

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