
Requiem for Tookie Williams

Nora Roman and the Border Busters
Lingua: Inglese

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Lyrics & Music by Nora Roman (12-13-05)
Album: I Belong to No Man's State

"I went to sleep at midnite, still hoping there would be a stay of execution, but when I woke up, Stanley "Tookie" Williams was dead-murdered by the state of California...I was so disgusted and sad and angry, and I wrote this song. I want to give a shout out to Dave Longstreth of the Dirty Projectors who was staying at my house with his brother my bandmate and roommate at the time, Jake Longstreth (a fine artist-look for his website), and Dave sat in on a band practice, and I liked his take on the song so much it made it into my final arrangement (with the other addition of a bit of Gnawa clapping thanks to Dr. Tim Abdellah Fuson, PhD in Gnawa). Gracias, muchachos."


Personnel: Guitar1-Nora Roman, Guitar 2-Camilo Landau; Bass-Ayla Davila, Drums: Antonio Roman-Alcalá, Darbouka-Karim Amrani, Conga-SUKI, Oboe-Markos Major, violin-Nao Nakawaza, Coro-Tim Abdellah Fuson, Johnny El guajiro Escobedo, Nora.
They killed Tookie Williams this morning
at twelve thirty five
He grew to reject killing
so they couldn't leave him alive.
Kill kill kill it's the american way,
Kill Kill Kill it's the american way..

I want to go into hiding
not know about all this pain.
I do not belong to your evil land
I'm not gonna share the blame.
I won't Kill, kill kill cause it's the american way
I won't Kill, kill kill cause it's the american way

You evil beings who make the guns
who torture and who bomb,
How do you sleep, how do you live
with all the pain you cause?

You kill kill kill it's the american way,
You kill kill kill it's the american way..

No war is a good war
and no execution is just.
You who want these awful things
you're infected with blood lust.

You kill, kill kill it's the american way,
You kill, kill kill it's the american way

None of your warped values
will get me to join in,
I will not buy, I can't be bought,
I have no original sin.

I won't kill, kill, kill cause it's the american way
I won't kill, kill, kill cause it's the american way

I am not an American,
I belong to no man's state
Patriotism is a social disease,
wake up before it's too late

Don't kill, kill, kill cause it's the american way,
Don't kill, kill, kill cause it's the american way,
Don't kill, kill, kill cause it's the american way,
Don't kill, kill, kill cause it's the american way,
Don't kill, kill, kill cause it's the american way…

Don't kill, don't kill, don't kill, don't kill, don't kill.

Don't kill…

inviata da giorgio - 22/12/2012 - 10:40

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