
Guns and Bombs

Janet Russell
Lingua: Inglese

Janet Russell

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The Anti-Capitalist Roadshow
Celebrating subversion

Si definiscono un “collettivo di cantanti e autori, più un mago, che si oppone al programma ideologico di austerità imposto dal governo britannico milionario”. Il Roadshow è composto da undici musicisti arrabbiati di età molto diverse.
C’è la notevole Grace Petrie, una versione femminile e più giovane di Billy Bragg, che propone canzoni sui ricchi che si arricchiscono e brani più rilessivi e personali come Protest singer blues. Ci sono Robb Johnson con la trascinante Be reasonable e Reem Kelani con un inno tunisino accompagnato dall’oud. Soprattutto ci sono due veterani della scena folk: Leon Rosselson, 78 anni, ancora impetuoso e arguto in Beneits and looters, e Peggy Seeger, che riscrive un brano swing degli anni trenta con l’appello “occupiamo St. Paul’s”.
Robin Denselow, The Guardian
traduzione di Internazionale

The economy’s in ruins
And it’s all down to the doin’s
Of the previous Labour government you’ll agree
You can’t sit on the fence
Well, it’s only common sense
And we’re all in this together, don’t you see?
So let’s celebrate our strengths
We’ll go to any lengths
To work hard and make the economy fly
With finance and with banks
But mostly, guns and tanks
And we’ll sell them all to anyone who’ll buy.

We’ll sell them guns and bombs and bombs and guns
And all the infrastructure
For delivery to the enemies of their state
With tanks and jetfighters
To get the blooming blighters
Just sign our contract now, no need to wait.
Aung San Suu Kyi
How nice it is to see
That the military have recognised your status
It’s no small thing
To be taken under our wing
And we know that as an ally you must rate us
But a quiet word in your ear
Our economy’s flat I fear
And there are things you need, that we have in great store
The trade where we excel
I am very proud to tell
Is in weaponry and theatre of war.

We’ll sell you guns and bombs and bombs and guns
And all the infrastructure
For delivery to whoever poses threat
With tanks and jetfighters
To get the blooming blighters
We have everything you need, we sell the set.

Mr. Ahmedinejad
The relationship we’ve had
Is becoming rather tetchy, sad to say
But despite the nuclear issue
We’d just like to continue
To sell arms to you in the same old way
We’re a trusted supplier
For many eastern buyers
Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait and Bahrain
Saudi and the U.A.E.
Are valued customers, you’ll see
But with Bahrain, perhaps, we need to think again.

We sell them guns and bombs and bombs and guns
And all the infrastructure
For delivery to their enemy of choice
With tanks and jetfighters
To get the blooming blighters
Who suddenly decide they have a voice.

It’s never been hard to sell
Our arms to Israel
Who need tools to hold their borders - and expand
In spite of UN resolutions
There is no real solution
Except for them to buy our stuff and take more land
Prime Minister Netanyahu
Is surrounded by a few
Of our customers - but not his friends
Egypt and Jordan
And the Lebanon
And we’ll sell, of course, to anyone who spends.

We sell them guns and bombs and bombs and guns
And all the infrastructure
For delivery to enemies far and near
With tanks and jetfighters
To get the blooming blighters
If it’s weaponry you need, we have the gear.

If a situation’s tricky,
There’s no use being picky
Business is business, after all
We cater to demand
With a very even hand
No matter who you are, give us a call.

We’ll sell you guns and bombs and bombs and guns
And all the infrastructure
For delivery to whoever poses threat
With tanks and jetfighters
To get the blooming blighters
We have everything you need, we sell the set.

We’ll sell you guns and bombs and bombs and guns
And all the infrastructure
For delivery to the enemies of your state
With tanks and jetfighters
To get the blooming blighters
Just sign our contract now, no need to wait.

inviata da DoNQuijote82 - 20/12/2012 - 16:20

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