
Maggie Thatcher's Dream

Grace Petrie
Langue: anglais

Grace Petrie

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Parole e musica di Grace Petrie
Nell’album intitolato “Mark My Words”

Mark My Words

The Anti-Capitalist Roadshow
Celebrating subversion

Si definiscono un “collettivo di cantanti e autori, più un mago, che si oppone al programma ideologico di austerità imposto dal governo britannico milionario”. Il Roadshow è composto da undici musicisti arrabbiati di età molto diverse.
C’è la notevole Grace Petrie, una versione femminile e più giovane di Billy Bragg, che propone canzoni sui ricchi che si arricchiscono e brani più rilessivi e personali come Protest singer blues. Ci sono Robb Johnson con la trascinante Be reasonable e Reem Kelani con un inno tunisino accompagnato dall’oud. Soprattutto ci sono due veterani della scena folk: Leon Rosselson, 78 anni, ancora impetuoso e arguto in Beneits and looters, e Peggy Seeger, che riscrive un brano swing degli anni trenta con l’appello “occupiamo St. Paul’s”.
Robin Denselow, The Guardian
traduzione di Internazionale

I could forgive you if you thought
You've been sold short
I'm a bad investment of the RBS sort
Working round the clock
To try and raise my stock
Do you regret getting in my boat
When we're trying to stay afloat
And I have the buoyancy of a Northern Rock?
When I looked at the big picture I saw the rich getting richer
When I tried to play the long game I was on the losing team.
Can I be so middle class and still end up on my ass?
Is this my economic nightmare or just Maggie Thatcher's dream?
And there's not enough money in the bank
Not enough petrol in the tank
When this month's overdraft fees are gonna bring me to my knees
I've got the city boys' bonuses to thank
Another charge to the list
Another direct debit missed
When the latest petrol prices fuel my private credit crisis
Oh, I know this ain't no way to exist.
When I looked at the big picture I saw the rich getting richer
When I tried to play the long game I was on the losing team.
Does my whole life just amount to what's in my bank account?
Is this my credit rating nightmare or just a capitalist's dream?
When greed and ambition went and formed a Coalition
No such thing as Big Society, and no one on my team.
When there's no one left to vote for, are we all in the same boat
Or is that just a crazy optimist singing socialism's dream?
And I know you'd live with me my darling in a cardboard box
But I'd rather build you a castle with doors and locks
Something to own, something to call our home
Foundations made of stone
And I almost had it, you know.
But when I looked at the big picture I saw the rich getting richer
When I tried to play the long game I was on the losing team.
Can I be so middle class and still end up on my ass?
Is this my economic nightmare or just Maggie Thatcher's dream?

envoyé par DonQuijote82 - 20/12/2012 - 16:11

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