
Language: Arabic

Sabreen Group / مــجــمــوعــة صــابــريــن

List of versions

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Όταν γυρίσουν
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(Shadia Mansour / شادية منصور)

Album “‎دخـــــان الـــبــــراكــيـــن‎” (“Smoke of the Volcanoes”) del 1984‎
Versi di Mahmoud Darwish / ‎محمود درويش‎ dalla raccolta “‎أوراق الـزيـتـون‎” (Awraq Al-Zaytun), ‎‎“Leaves of olives”, “Foglie d’olivi”.‎
Musica di Said Murad e Sabreen Group‎
Testo in arabo trovato qui

Smoke Of The Volcanoes sabreen
وضعوا على فمه السلاسلْ
رابطوا يديه بصخرة الموتى ’
وقالوا : أنت قاتلْ !
أخذوا طعامَهُ ’ والملابسَ ’ والبيارقْ
ورموه في زنزانة الموتى ,
وقالوا : أنت سارقْ !
طردوه من كل المرافئْ
أخذوا حبيبته الصغيرة ’
ثم قالوا : أنتا لاجئْ!
يا دامي العينين , والكفين !
إن الليل زائلْ
لا غرفةُ التوقيف باقيةٌ
ولا زَرَدُ السلاسلْ !
نيرون مات ’ ولم تمت روما...
بعينيها تقاتلْ !
وحبوبُ سنبلةٍ تموت
ستملأُ الوادي سنابلْ..!

Contributed by Dead End - 2012/11/20 - 11:39

Language: English

Traduzione inglese dal libretto del disco “A Time To Cry. A Lament Over Jerusalem”, di Rim ‎Banna, Nai Barghouti, Wissam Murad e Jawaher Shofani, registrato e prodotto in Norvegia nel ‎‎2010.‎

They put the chains on his mouth
They tied his hands to the Dead Rock,‎
And Said: You’re a murderer!‎
They took his food, clothes and pitchers,‎
And through him in the Dead Cell,‎
And said: You’re a thief!‎
They kicked him out of all ports,‎
They took his little beloved one,‎
And said: You’re a refugee!‎
O you, the one with the bleeding eyes and palms!‎
The night is soon to be gone,‎
Neither the interrogation room is going to last
Nor the chains are!‎
Nero died, but Rome didn’t
With its eyes, it’s fighting!‎
And the seeds of a dead wheat,‎
Will fill up the valley with more wheat!‎

Contributed by Dead End - 2012/11/20 - 11:41

Language: Italian

Traduzione italiana di Francesca Maria Corrao dal volume di M. Darwish, “La mia ferita è una ‎lampada ad olio”, De Angelis Editore, 2006‎

Con il ferro incatenarono la bocca
al sasso della morte legarono le mani,
gli dissero: Assassino!‎

Gli tolsero il cibo, gli abiti e i lampi
lanciarono il corpo nel ventre della morte
gli dissero: Ladro!‎

Bandito da ogni porto
gli tolsero il suo piccolo amore
gli dissero: Profugo!‎

Oh sangue mio
degli occhi e delle mani
breve è la notte
piccola la cella
e poco resiste il ferro!
Nerone è morto, Roma non muore …
Con lo sguardo uccide!
La spiga muore
La valle inonda il grano!‎

Contributed by Dead End - 2012/11/20 - 11:43

Language: Italian

Altra traduzione italiana da “E' morto Darwish, poeta dell'epopea palestinese”, articolo di Cecilia ‎Zecchinelli su Il Corriere della Sera dell’11 agosto 2008.‎

Con il ferro incatenarono la bocca
al sasso della morte legarono le mani,
gli dissero: tu sei un assassino!

Gli tolsero il cibo, gli abiti, le bandiere
lo gettarono nella cella della morte
gli dissero: tu sei un ladro!
Bandito da ogni porto
gli tolsero il suo piccolo amore
gli dissero: tu sei un profugo!

Oh tu che hai le palme e gli occhi che stanno sanguinando!
la notte sparirà
non resterà la cella
né il tintinnio delle catene!
Nerone è morto, non è morta Roma …
lo sguardo lotta!
I chicchi della spiga muoiono
e la vallata si riempirà di spighe..!‎

Contributed by Dead End - 2012/11/20 - 11:43

#GazaUnderAttack | Names and ages of killed people in the ongoing Israeli attacks ‎on Gaza

Because we are NOT just numbers, keep following this post of the names and ‎ages of murdered people who fell victim during the past days of Israeli attacks on Gaza since ‎Wednesday. The number rises to 110 and still rising: I hope that this battle will cost us no more ‎souls. However, nothing will depress us, no matter how much Israel escalates its inhumanity and ‎crimes. We’ll remain ready to pay any price for attaining of freedom and dignity. Every drop of ‎your blood has just made our Palestinian soil smell more beautiful and precious and raised our ‎determination to keep fighting for your justice and the just cause you paid your lives for. RIP.‎

‎1- Ahmad Al-Ja’bary, 52 years old.
‎2-Mohammed Al-hams, 28 years old.
‎3- Rinan Arafat, 7 years old.
‎4- Omar Al-Mashharawi, 11 moonths old.
‎5-Essam Abu-Alma’za, 20 years old.
‎6-Mohammed Al-qaseer, 20 years old.
‎7- Heba Al-Mashharawi, six-month pregnant, 19 years old.
‎8- Mahmoud Abu Sawawin, 65 years old.‎

‎9- Habis Hassan Mismih, 29 years old.
‎10- Wael Haidar Al-Ghalban, 31 years old.
‎11- Hehsam Mohammed Al-Ghalban, 31 years old.
‎12- Rani Hammad, 29 years old.
‎13- Khaled Abi Nasser, 27 year old.
‎14- Marwan Abu Al-Qumsan, 52 years old.
‎15- Walid Al-Abalda, 2 years old.
‎16- Hanin Tafesh, 10 months old.
‎17- Oday Jammal Nasser, 16 years old.
‎18- Fares Al-Basyouni, 11 years old.
‎19- Mohammed Sa’d Allah, 4 years old.
‎20- Ayman Abu Warda, 22 years old.
‎21- Tahrir Suliman, 20 years old.
‎22- Ismael Qandil, 24 years old.
‎23- younis Kamal Tafesh, 55 years old.
‎24- Mohammed Talal Suliman, 28 years old.
‎25- Amjad Mohammed Abu-Jalal, 32 years old.
‎26- Ziyad Farhan Abu-Jalal, 23 years old.
‎27- Ayman Mohammed Abu Jalal, 44 years old.
‎28- Hassan Salem Al-Heemla’, 27 years old.
‎29- Khaled Khalil Al-Shaer, 24 years old.
‎30- Ayman Rafeeq sleem, 26 years old.
‎31- Ahmad Abu Musamih, 32 years old.‎

At 8:20 am, as a result to an Israeli inhumane attack on Deel Al-Balah, central Gaza, three people ‎were killed. The list of murdered victims goes longer‎

‎32- Osama Musa Abdeljawad, 27 years old.
‎33- Ashraf Hassan Darwish, 22 years old.
‎34- Ali Abdul HakimAl-Mana’ma, 20 years old

At 8:45 am_ 9:00 am, warplanes attacked several places including Rafah, Khan-Younis, and Tal Al-‎Sultan, southern Gaza, leaving three killed

‎35`- Mukhlis Edwan, 30 years old.
‎36- Mohammed Al-Loulhy, 24 years old.
‎37- Ahmad Al-Atrush, 22 years old.‎

In a series of attacks on several places on central Gaza at noon, two more people fell victim:‎

‎38- Abderrahman Al-Masri, 31 years old.‎
‎39- Awad Hamdi Al-Nahhal, 23 years old.
‎40- Ali Hassan Iseed, 25 years old, killed in an attack on his motorbike in Deer Al-Balah, central ‎Gaza, at 8:10 pm, Novebmer 17.‎

IOF attack another motorbike in Deer Al-Balah at 8:20 pm, leaving two more killed:‎

‎41- Mohammed Sabry Al’weedat, 25 years old.
‎42- Osama Yousif Al-Qadi, 26 years old.‎

In an attack on central Gaza, to the west of Al-Masdar area, at 9:10 pm, two more people people ‎killed:‎

‎43- Ahmad Ben Saeed, 42 years old.
‎44- Hani Bre’m, 31 years old.‎

At 9:40 pm, Israel attacked Qdeih family’s house in west Khan-Younis, Southern Gaza and a ‎woman got killed:‎

‎45- Samaher Qdeih, 28 years old.
‎46- Tamer Al-Hamry, 26 years old, died after being seriously injured in an attack on Deer Al-‎Balah.‎

On November 18, the fifth day of the Israeli ongoing aggression on Gaza.‎
Israeli warplanes shelled the house of Abu-Alfoul family in northern Gaza, killing two children and ‎injuring at 13 at least, mostly children and women.‎

‎47- Gumana Salamah Abu Sufyan, 1 year old.‎
‎48- Tamer Salamah Abu Sufyan, 3 years old.‎

An Israeli warplanes fired missiles at a house that belongs to the family of Abu Nuqira in Rafah ‎killing one person:‎

‎49- Muhamed Abu Nuqira‎

An Israeli war plane fired a missile at a house in an agricultural land east of Bureij camp, in the ‎Central Gaza Strip, killing one child and injuring 2 other children:‎

‎50- Eyad Abu Khusa, 18 months old.‎

Two people were killed, one of them a child, when an Israeli missile hit a beachfront refugee camp ‎in Gaza City:‎

‎51- Tasneem Zuheir Al-Nahhal, 13 years old.‎

‎52- Ahmad Essam Al-Nahhal, 25 years old.‎

Medics also reported finding the body of woman under the rubble of a house in eastern Gaza City ‎who had been killed in a strike earlier in the morning.‎

‎53- Nawal Abdelaal, 52 years old.‎

At 3:10 pm, November 18, Israel rocked a house belongs to Al-Dalou family in Sheikh-Redwan ‎area, west Gaza, killing at least 10 people, including 4 women and 4 children:‎

‎54- Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, the father.‎
‎55- Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5 years old.‎
‎56- Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7 year old.‎
‎57- Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10 years old.‎
‎58- Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1 year old.‎
‎59- Jamal Al-Dalou, the grandfather.‎
‎60- Sulafa Al Dalou, 46 years old‎
‎61- Samah Al-Dalou, 25 years old
‎62- Tahani Al-Dalou, 50 years old
‎63- Ameina Matar Al-Mzanner, 83 years old.‎
‎64- Abdallah Mohammed Al-Mzanner, 23 years old.‎

Soon after Al-Dalou massacre, 2 more were killed, a father and his son, in an attack on a car for ‎water supply in northern Gaza:‎

‎65- Suheil Hamada, 53 years old.‎

‎66- Mo’men Suheil Hamada, 13 years old.‎

In an airstrike that targeted Nussairat camp after that two people were murdered and 10 at least got ‎injured:‎

‎67- Atiyya Mubarak, 55 years old.‎
‎68- Hussam Abu Shaweish, 35 years old.‎

‎69- Samy Al-Ghfeir, 22 years old, killed in an attack on Shijaiyya area, west Gaza.‎

‎70- Mohammed Bakr Al-Of, 24 years old, killed in an attack on Al-Yarmouk st. in Gaza city.‎

At 8:00 pm, November 18, the ministry of health in Gaza has reported that Israel has risen the death ‎toll in Gaza to 69, including 20 children, 8 women, and 9 elderly people. Moreover, Over 660 ‎person got injured since Wednesday, including 224 children, 113 women, and 50 elderly people.
At 10:00 pm, November 18, an Israeli warplane attacked a motorbike near the ministry of finance ‎roundabout, west Gaza, killing a father and his son:‎

‎71- Ahmad Abu Amra, 42 years old.
‎72- Nabil Ahmad Abu Amra, 20 years old.‎

At 10:10 pm, November 18, an Israeli warplane rocked a house belong to Nasser family near Abu-‎Sharekh crossroad in northern Gaza, killing a child and his father:‎

‎73- Hussein Jalal Nasser, 8 years old.‎
‎74- Jalal Nasser‎

On November 19, the sixth day of the Israeli ongoing aggression on Gaza.‎
At 12:10 am, an Israeli warplane attacked Mahmoud Al-Hashash house in Rafah killing one ‎woman:‎

‎75- Sabha Al-Hashash, 60 years old.‎

At 1:00 am, an Israeli warplane rocked a car in Rafah killing two people:‎

‎76- Saif Al-Deen Sadeq
‎77- Ahmad Hussein Al-Agha.‎

‎78- Emad Abu Hamda, 30 years old, killed after being seriously injured in as a drone fired a rocket ‎at Beach camp, west Gaza.‎

‎79- Mohammed Jindiyya, mentally disabled, killed in an attack on Helles roundabout in Shijaiyya, ‎west Gaza.‎

At 4:10 am, Israel committed another atrocious crime shelling a house belong to Azzam family that ‎is full of children. 3 people were killed in this attack and at least 40 injured. Medics said that more ‎than 15 children have arrived Shifaa hospital, three of them are in a very critical condition:‎

‎80- Mohammed Iyad Abu Zour, 4 years old.‎
‎81- Nisma Abu Zour, 19 years old.‎
‎82-Sahar Abu Zour
‎83- Ahed Al-Qattaty, 38 years old.‎

‎84- Al-Abd Mohammed Al-Attar, killed in an attack on Beit-Lahya, northern Gaza at 6:00 am.‎

‎85- Rama Al-Shandi, 1 YEAR OLD, killed as four F16s airstrikes hit former security compound ‎Al-Saraya in Gaza City.‎

In an Israeli attack on Al-Qarara area to the south of the Gaza Strip, two farmers were killed at 8:50 ‎am:‎

‎86. Ibrahim Suleiman al-Astal, 46 years old.‎
‎87. Omar Mahmoud Mohammed al-Astal, 14 years old.‎

As a warplane rocked a motorbike in Khan-Younis, southern the Gaza Strip, two people were ‎killed:‎

‎88. Abdullah Harb Abu Khater (21)‎
‎89. Mahmoud Saeed Abu Khater (34)‎

An Apache warplane fired a rocket at a car in Al-Berka street in Deer Al-Balah, killing three ‎people:‎

‎90. Rashid ‘Alyan Abu ‘Amra (45)‎
‎91. Amin Zuhdi Bashir (40)‎
‎92. Tamer Rushdi Bashir (30)‎

‎93- Hussam Abdeljawad, killed as an F16 rocked his car in Saftawi street, northern Gaza, at 2:25 ‎pm.‎

‎94- Ramadan Ahmad Mahmoud, 20 years old, died this morning after being seriously injured in an ‎attack that hit Al-Maghazi camp, two days ago.‎

‎95- Mohammed Riyad Shamallakh, 23 years old, killed as IOF targeted a car in Tal Al-Hawa, ‎southern Gaza city.‎

At around 4 am, two people were killed as an Israeli warplane fired a missile that hit Al-Nusseirat ‎Camp, to the west of Gaza city:‎

‎96- A’ed Radi‎
‎97- Ameer Al-Malahi

In an attack on Al-Shorouq building in Gaza City which contains several media offices, 2 were ‎killed and 3 journalists were seriously injured:‎

‎98- Ramez Harb‎
‎99- Salem Sweilem‎

‎100- Muhammed Ziyad Tbeil, killed in an attack than hit central Gaza.‎

At 6:55 pm, an Israeli warplane attacked Al-Bureij camp killing two people:‎

‎101- Arkan Abu Kmeil‎
‎102- Ibrahim Al-Hawajri

At around 8:00 pm, an Israeli warplane shelled Shhada family’s house in Nusairat camp killing two ‎people from the same family:‎

‎103- Khalil Shhada‎
‎104- Osama Shhada‎

At around 9:00 pm, Israel committed another massacre against Hjazi family killing a father and his ‎two sons, and injuring at least 15, most of them are children and women:‎

‎106- Suhaib Fo’ad Hjazi, 2 years old.‎
‎107- Mohammed Fo’ad Hjazi, 3 years old.‎
‎108- Fo’ad khalil Hjazi

On November 20, the seventh day of the Israeli ongoing aggression on Gaza.‎

At around midnight, an Apache rocked a house in Rafah that belongs to Nassarsa family, killing ‎two siblings and injuring 10 others:‎

‎109- Mohammed Tawfeeq Al-Nassasra, 20 years old.‎
‎110- Ahmad Tawfeeq Al-Nassasra, 18 years old.‎

‎111- Abderrahman Hamad, killed in an Israeli attack on Mokhabarat buildings, west Gaza‎

‎112- Mohammed Bader, killed in an attack on Central Gaza that targeted Tamma’ family.‎

‎113- Ahmad Doghmosh, died in Egypt after being transferred to a hospital in Egypt for being ‎seriously injured during the Israeli attacks on Gaza.‎

Keep following this post. I’m going to keep updating it on everything that is happening as much as I ‎can and as long as I’m breathing!

Dead End - 2012/11/20 - 13:46

Language: Arabic

Versione interpretata da Nai Barghouti / ناي البرغوثي e da Kamilya Jubran

Si sta avvicinando l'anniversario della morte di Mahmud Darwish avvenuto l'8 agosto 2008.
Vi mando questa bella sua poesia cantata da Nai Barghouti.
Spero che il testo in arabo che ho trovato corrisponda a quello giusto e lascio al bravissimo Riccardo Gullotta la verifica
Un abbraccio

Aggiungo che ad ottobre qualcuno ha pubblicato questa vecchia registrazione dello stesso brano interpretato dalla allora giovane e già bravissima Kamilya Jubran
nel video c'è sovrascritto il testo in inglese spero sia utile.
Un abbraccio
وضعوا على فمه السلاسلْ
رابطوا يديه بصخرة الموتى ’
وقالوا : أنت قاتلْ !
أخذوا طعامَهُ ’ والملابسَ ’ والبيارقْ
ورموه في زنزانة الموتى ,
وقالوا : أنت سارقْ !
طردوه من كل المرافئْ
أخذوا حبيبته الصغيرة ’
ثم قالوا : أنتا لاجئْ!
يا دامي العينين , والكفين !
إن الليل زائلْ
لا غرفةُ التوقيف باقيةٌ
ولا زَرَدُ السلاسلْ !
نيرون مات ’ ولم تمت روما...
بعينيها تقاتلْ !
وحبوبُ سنبلةٍ تموت

Contributed by Paolo Rizzi - 2024/8/6 - 16:25

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