
We Will Stop You

Lingua: Inglese


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Album “Discontent Hearts And Gasoline”‎

Discontent Hearts And Gasoline

Gli ZSK sono una skatepunk band berlinese. ‎
Sono stati i promotori della campagna antifascista “Kein Bock ‎Auf Nazis” (“Nessun appoggio ai nazi”, credo possa tradursi)‎

You don't like us and we don't like you too
You call it progress, we say only for a few
This one goes out to the people trying to keep us down
We don't believe a word you say let's scream and shout
We are not afraid. We don't obey. Your modern slavery.‎

We will stop you, cause we are everywhere
We will stop you - fists in the air (fists in the air)‎

A call for justice, a sign you can't ignore
You better watch out, we won't take it anymore
We don't agree with everything you are standing for
And we oppose hypocrisy and your control
We are not afraid. We don't obey. Your modern slavery.‎

We still got a lot to say
We still got a lot to say

inviata da Dead End - 31/10/2012 - 08:16

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