
The Blood's Still on Their Hands

Lingua: Inglese


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Lyrics & Music by Algy Ward
Album: Still At War

Still at War
Yeah, yeah, just one man is all it takes
To turn fear into race hale
This one man had chose the Jew
To destroy away from view

Afraid to hide afraid to fight
Gestapo raid in the night
One whole nation on the run
From the jack boot and the gun

They've not forgotten the Fuhrer's master plan
Juden Verbotten in Deutschland
They've not forgotten the hatred shown to man
Juden Verbotten... Understand... The blood's still on their hands

Pray for the fallen and the brave
And hope their souls will be saved
A Holocaust, no other name
Millions lie in unmarked graves

They've not forgotten the Fuhrer's master plan
Juden Verbotten in Deutschland
They've not forgotten the hatred shown to man
Juden Verbotten... Understand... The blood's still on their hands

The blood's still on their hands
The survivors one's he spared they're still frightened
They're still scared live a nightmare all their lives
Peace will come, when they die..

They've not forgotten the Fuhrer's master plan
Juden Verbotten in Deutschland
They've not forgotten the hatred shown to man
Juden Verbotten... Understand...
The Blood's-Still-On-Their-Hands

inviata da giorgio - 29/9/2012 - 11:33

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