
Sago Mine

Lingua: Inglese

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Lyrics & Music by Charlie "Pinedog" Williams

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An explosion at the Sago Coal Mine in West Virginia on January 2, 2006 trapped 13 miners for 2 days deep in the depths of that black hell hole.
Only one survived.


This song is dedicated to miners around the world.

Correlated songs: How Much For The Life of A Miner? and You Will Answer by Anne Feeney and Surrender by David Elon Preston
Well times is tuff
And times is bad...
When all ya got,
Is what ya had

Workin' in the mine
Was the only job around..
Sun don't never shine,
Deep down underground..

Gotta say goodbye,
'cause I don't wanna die
in the Sago Mine..

Lord, I can't go on this way,
I never see the light of day...

High time to pack a bag,
'fore it's too late...
I heard the rumble
and I felt the shake

Just another miner,
Another sorry soul,
Trapped way down,
Deep inside a dark hell hole..

Gotta say goodbye,
'cause I don't wanna die
in the Sago Mine..

Lord I can't go on this way,
I never see the light of day...

Gotta say goodbye,
Gotta say goodbye,
Gotta say goodbye,
in the Sago Mine

Goodbye, goodbye,
goodbye, goodbye,
Gotta say goodbye,
into the Sago Mine.

inviata da giorgio - 25/9/2012 - 12:25

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